Did I commit shirk?


:)Smile! It's Sunnah

First, I'd like to say that this happened a while ago, before when I didn't know as much about shirk. I recently learned this, which is why its been bugging me so much.

I was invited to join a respected engineering honor society and at the initiation, they made all of us swear to do always strive to do our best academically and maintain upstanding character (like honesty, compassion, etc.). At the time, I didn't really care for what I was promising to do; I was spacing out the entire time and all I cared about was adding this to my resume. So I guess it wasn't sincere, but I don't know . . . The main thing that is bothering me is that they told me to swear I would. They didn't make me swear on anything or anybody, just swear. I recently learned that swearing on anything other than Allah (SWT) is a major shirk, but I didn't know that at the time. Have I left the fold of Islam? How can I come back? Am I doomed? I'm so scared.


Junior Member
Walaikum Ssalaam,

Am unable to connect the oath with shirk. More details please the wordings. Or wait for a knowledgeable response. In general, To swear is major undertaking, so one does it carefully. And by any other than Allah, you would have to repent.

Prophet :saw: said "Of the major sins are: Associating anything in worship with Allah, disobedience to the parents, killing without justification and taking a false oath (intentionally).'' [Bukhari]

Jazakallaahu Khairan.

muhammad sabri

Junior Member

My Dear Brother,

2:225 Allah does not impose blame upon you for what is unintentional in your oaths, but He imposes blame upon you for what your hearts have earned. And Allah is Forgiving and Forbearing.

And also Allah(subhana wa taAla) doesn't punish for the actions which are done in ignorance, in factyou said that you came to know after you swore that the swearing matter was haram,Allah is al RAhman al Rahim and He knows all matters in the best of ways so in this case it is your intention that wraps it all up and if what you wrote is true and i think it is :) then inch'Allah Allah in His infinite Rahma will forgive, of course you still have to ask for forgiveness, and thank Allah, thank Him for giving you the opportunity of learning something new about the deen so that inch'Allah you will never again fall in the same mistake
And Allah is al Rahman al Rahim al Ghafur al Ghaffar al Tawwab al Wadud al Rauf al Nur al Salam :)


wajazakkalhu khayran , and Allah knows best-


:)Smile! It's Sunnah
More details please the wordings.


Thanks for your response.

Well the words they made me say were something along the lines of "Do you swear to always do your best to maintain academic excellence and service to your community through good character and moral standing?" Does that answer your question or were you asking for something else.

--For Muhammad Sabri's Response--

At least it takes a little bit of the edge off. Brother Muhammad Sabri is right, I was ignorant to it at the time, but recently I began studying Aqeedah books which is why it came up. I will ask Allah (SWT) for His Mercy and Forgiveness and Insha'Allah, He will forgive me for my stupidity.


Junior Member
Assalaamu Alaikum,

Brother Muhammad Sabri has a valid point. Next " Do you swear to..." Whom did you swear by? Nothing explicit. So, I cannot say much. I would repent and be careful the next time.

Your oath is not false oath, your intention seems good. Wishing you all the best in your endeavors to be of some good in society. May Almighty make us all upright... Ameen


Well-Known Member
Staff member
May Allah forgive us. We perform minor shirks often, everything is from Allah SWT. We often let our ego or pride talk as if we are in control of anything or have knowledge of things to come. Even the Prophet PBUH, made dua's to forgive him of these types of minor shirk.

You take medicine or go to the doctor thinking they will give you shifa, but Allah is the one that gives us shifa. This medicine and doctors are just a means to get it which the Prophet SAW and Allah SWT want us to seek in order to better ourselves.

Allah is all-Merciful, so Merciful that even Shaitan thinks he will get away with his crimes on the Day of Judgement. Fear Allah, but be hopeful of his mercy as well. You are not doomed for this action, repent and move on.

- - - Updated - - -

Correction, the Prophet made towba, just in case he made any minor shirks that he was not aware of. That is a more correct statement.