Do Sikh's imitate Muslims??


What do you think?

Is there anything wrong to fight against those evils who combine ISLAM and Hinduism to create a new religion?


New Member
Yeah, when you rape children in order to do it. There's a way of showing people the light and force is not one of them.


Do you take pride

The war that happened between Guru and muslim was because he was doing a war against islam by combining islam with hinduism. Guru was not the first person to come up with the idea of combining Hinduism and Islam to form a new religion. The idea was first come in the mind of Emperor Akbar. Do you still feel pride of those peoples.



Lalon Fakir was also another person in east pakistan to come up with thie idea of combining Hinduism and Islam. You can still find his follower in west bengal and bangladesh.


New Member
It has nothing to do with pride. It's something to do with justice. Do you think that Allah is going to reward those people who wrongly converted people to Islam? I don't think so. There is a way of doing things and the Prophet told you that way. So by doing it another way that would make it wrong. And combining religions? Who is the judge? There is only one judge and that is God, not you or anyone else. Does it not say that you allow God to judge others? By even talking bad of these people you are commiting a sin, so are you even good examples of Muslims?


Sorry you r shameless.

You have no right to combine religions. Who gave permission to your guru to combine religions? Today people like your Guru are trying to build a new religion combining Christanity and Islam. But neither christian nor muslim will allow it. Because we have strong sense and pride of our own religion. Try to be smart.

Your Guru is to blame for the war that took place in that time. If he did not use Islam in his combination formula No war would had taken place. Even today wants to apply the same formula i.e. to form a new religion by combing Islam and Cristanity the same consequence would occure.


New Member
The war started before Sikhism even existed. Sikhism came into place, because of it. And who gave you the right to judge anyone? And pride? Why have pride? You're Muslim. You're meant to be here to serve God and do everything for him and him alone. The prophet would not even begin to say the things you are. Therefore, you're not even classed a proper Muslim and it would be because of you that people who are interested in a religion, turn away from it. There is a reason I came here and you're not that reason. You're the reason that begins to create pride in my religion and show me that maybe Islam is what people say it is. That's not very good on your part, is it? I highly doubt it. Get a grip and realize your own religion before you talk about others. Back biting is never a good thing, considering that the Guru is not even here to defend himself. Tsk, tsk.


New Member
And in combination, wouldn't the Jews, Christians and any other religion before it be considered a combination of religions? I mean, yes, the Prophet actually came and cleared all the mis-guided ones up, but why have people still following Christianity and Judism? When essentially, it's the same. So just because those religions came before it, would it not be single minded and ignorant for someone to believe that Islam is a combination religion also? The same concept can be worked either way, unless of course you read into the matter deeper. Just like your quick judgements on Sikhism have led you to believe that it is also a combination of another religion. In the Hindu religion, Muhammed is mentioned and so is Guru Nanak. So why would a Hindu scripture take notice of an Islamic Prophet? As well as a Sikh Guru. Combinations. Wonderful, aren't there? Let's take ignorance out of the equation.



You are wrong. Sikhism came into place because of the caste system, social injustice etc. If muslim were forcing to convert peolple then why wife of emperor Akbar being a muslim married a Hindu woman and She died as a Hindu. Why Akbar created a new religon Dean-e-elahi that was a combination of Islam and Hinduism. Why the most trustworthy leader of army were all Hindus. Look at who was the chief of Army of Siraj-ud-daolla, who was the chief of army for Tipu sultan. The top positions in the time when muslim rule india was all hindu. Open you eye and see the truth.



And in combination, wouldn't the Jews, Christians and any other religion before it be considered a combination of religions? I mean, yes, the Prophet actually came and cleared all the mis-guided ones up, but why have people still following Christianity and Judism? When essentially, it's the same. So just because those religions came before it, would it not be single minded and ignorant for someone to believe that Islam is a combination religion also? The same concept can be worked either way, unless of course you read into the matter deeper. Just like your quick judgements on Sikhism have led you to believe that it is also a combination of another religion. In the Hindu religion, Muhammed is mentioned and so is Guru Nanak. So why would a Hindu scripture take notice of an Islamic Prophet? As well as a Sikh Guru. Combinations. Wonderful, aren't there? Let's take ignorance out of the equation.
Who told you , '' Christanity, Judaism are combination of other religions. Give me some name of scholar in world religions. Do you have any idea of those religions. Please brother and sister enlighten this child. She/He knows nothing about religions.


New Member
Who in Sikhism told you that Sikhism is part of any other religion? Because it's not. Islam believes that all prophets from other religions were Muslims, right? Right. If that was the case that would mean that all the other religions would automatically become Islam, but they still exist, but they carry the same/similar ideals as one another, so would that mean that they copied one another? Combined one another? That is what I am saying, so maybe you are that one that needs a lesson in your own religion. And I am still suprised that you carry this debate, because in reality, as a muslim your words are positive, they are negative, therefore you're extremely flawed. Remember...To you be your way. There is no guiding some people.



Who in Sikhism told you that Sikhism is part of any other religion? Because it's not. Islam believes that all prophets from other religions were Muslims, right? Right

Absolutely false. Founder of all religions that came before Prophet Muhammad saw may be prophet and may not be prophet. Those who are mentioned in Koran they are prophet and those who are not mentioned we dont know. But Whoever come after prophet Muhammad are certainly false because we know in Koran He is the last and final prophet to mankind. Not only they like your gurus are not muslim they are evil. You understand.


SOrry again mistake

If you say I want to found a new religion with the kalima, '' there is No god but one true god''. Then I want to worship him and I do that by Jumping from a tree five times a day so that God is pleased.

How do you know God will be Pleased. How can you assure me God is obliged to accept my prayer.

LIke you Guru, who come with Islamic kalima and invent his own way to worship. How do you know God will be pleased with and obliged to accept your prayer.


New Member
How do you know that God won't? Has he told you? You can only try your best and God can make the judgement himself, because as people know, there will be a day. And I am still unsure of how you do not understand the question. Jesus is a prophet. Muhammed is a Prophet. These are two seperate religion, but have the same ideals as one another, so would that not mean it is a combination? This is just on the surface, though. As you know going deeper into the subject would reveal the truth, just as going deeper into Sikhism would reveal that it is not a combination. I am not telling you that Sikhism is the greatest and that it should be followed. I am just correcting a misunderstanding, because I believe that dishonoring any religion is wrong. People should be allowed to follow as they wish, aslong as they are told in a nice way about other religions and what there qualities are. There is a reason why there is so many religions and it is your duty as a human being to decide which one you believe in is right, whether it is the right choice or not is a different story. Yet judgement day doesn't say that you are the one judging the people, does it? It says that God is the only judge, therefore you are trying to be like God by making a judgement, instead of guiding, which is supposed to be your job.

God can decide people's fate, not people. That's why we all go through something called Judgement day. Worry about yourself over others. You don't seem to be held highly by the standards that are set out by the Prophet Muhammed and I know this why? Because I can read and use my brain at the same time, something you fail to do.



SInce your gure were neither prophet nor god they are the looser and hell fire is their destiny. So would be their follower.

I know because God said in Koran '' If you wish to accept any other religion except it will not be accepted''.
God says in Koran,'' Do not die except being muslm otherwise you would be looser. You are asking to many question to answer.

Ask question one by one.



SInce your gure were neither prophet nor god they are the looser and hell fire is their destiny. So would be their follower.

I know because God said in Koran '' If you wish to accept any other religion except ISLAM it will not be accepted''.
God says in Koran,'' Do not die except being muslm otherwise you would be looser. You are asking to many question to answer.

Ask question one by one.


New Member
Oh, okay. So you follow a religion where God tells you that if you do not follow this religion everyone else is a loser? That makes sense. It actually doesn't say that in your religion, you need to re-educate yourself. As for anything else, I am not here telling you that any religion is right or wrong, nor am I disrespecting anyone else's beliefs. Why do you not show the same respect as I do? Maybe because you are too single minded to understand the concept of freedom and by the way, for all of the people in the world that do not know about Islam or die before they can even read, they do not go to Hell, they go to paradise. God will judge them on there deeds. It's not there fault there parents were a certain religion and they died so young they never had a chance to change it. The people living in Jungles with no computer, nothing, they try to do the best they can and they will be judged, but they do not get sent to hell for not knowing, people only get sent there for not reacting, but that is something only God can confirm and you my friend, are just a fool and can not confirm anything on God's behalf, because you are not in a position to do so. Therefore, stop trying to disrespect others and concentrate on gaining a higher knowledge base of your own religion. Not even a scholar would say what you are saying, not even an Imaan. Why? Because I have spoke to them and neither said anything you did in the tone you have. It's shameful.


about Little baby

Any child who died before the age of seven will go to paradise regardless of his parents religion. It has been confirmed by Prophet Muhammad( PBUH). I would invite you to ISLAM. You will loose nothing but would gain eternal blessing of Heaven. Study Koran and judge whether It is a word of GOD or not.

May Allah swt open your heart.


New Member
Do you know what I was looking for as well as so many others? No disrespect for any religion, why? Because the person that is changing religion may have parents of another religion and that person will love there parents. It's also something that many people have been brought up on. You shouldn't tell people bad things about another religion, just to justify how great your religion is. Instead, you should do what you have done and tell people of the rewards. Tell people why Islam is the true religion and try to patiently and nicely explain to them about Islam, without insulting them or their background. Does that make sense? I thought that this site was so much better than this. I believed it had respect for every religion and would not be-little any other religion in order to show some kind of dominance. That is what the true disappointment is.

I have my actions, and you have your actions. You are not responsible for what I do, and I am not responsible for what you do.” (Surah Yunus: 41)

God will decide what to do with your deeds.

Peace be with you.


New Member
And the last thing... I apologise for anything that I might have said to offend you or anyone else. I may have got a little over offensive and I apologise for it. I hope that you can forgive me, but I also hope that you can understand my point of view and my opinion, whether you agree with it or not is an entirely different story.