
Junior Member
Brothers and sisters,
Al-Salamu Alaikum

Tomorrow is the 16th March. Let's go back 20 years ago, on the 16th March, 10:55 am, when the Iraqi air forces attacked Halabja, a Kurdish town in the north east of Iraq, using chemical weapons and poisonous gas.

In his book about attacking Halabja by Chemical weapon, Christine M. Gosden wrote, "I have recently witnessed the long-term effects of the chemical weapons attack on the large civilian population in Northern Iraq, in the town of Halabja. My experiences of the devastating power of these weapons have emphasized the importance of protecting individuals and nations against chemical and biological weapons attacks. This journey and the horrifying findings have shocked and devastated me to an extent that I had not believed possible."

About Halabja: Halabja was a beautiful Kurdish town in the north east of Iraq. Its population before the attacks was 80,000 people. Halabja has been always known as the centre of Islamic promotion, education, arts. The most well known Kurdish poets are from this area due to the natural scenery, mountainous area, green lands and wonderful rivers and gardens. Apart from poets, most of the Kurdish Islamic leaders are from the very area. For example, Mamosta Ali Abdul Aziz, the Islamic leader of Kurdistan Islamic Movement, is from Halabja. He found this Islamic party to generate the Islamic thinking and educate, and practice it in the life of the Kurds. Secondly, Slahaddin Muhammad Baha'ddin, the founder and General Secretary of Kurdistan Islamic Union, the greatest Kurdish Islamic party, is also from the same area. In Kurdistan when you say Islam, you remember Halabja, when you say Habaja, you remember Islam. Unfortunately, today when you say Halabja, you smell chemical and poisonous gas, which smells like apple and onion, as those survived describe....

It is unbelievable that in the matter of a few minutes 5000 civilians, all Muslim Sunni, were killed, and 1000s of other seriously wounded, 100s are still suffering from the effect of the chemical weapons. As an example, Ismail Abdullah Rashid was a person his chest and kidnies were affected by these weapons, and, after 20 years of suffering, on the 13th March, 2 days ago, passed away. The only way to survive was to be treated abroad, somewhere in Europe, but since he could not afford going abroad for treatment, he passed away, may Allah grant him with the paradise.

The person responsible for these chemical attacks is Ali Hasan Al-Majid, the former Ba'athist Iraqi Defense Minister and military commander, Who would be later called Chemical Ali by the Kurds.

Please take a look at the follwoing videos and test yourself whether you are shaken by the suffeing of other Muslim brotehrs and sisters or not!



New Member
One of the greatest heroes of islam was born their in Kudish region his name was Salah DIn Ayboi he liberated the CHristians,Jews and Muslims from the occupation of the Satan WOrpshippers - Knights Templars.


dear sister or brother
first of all iam arabic muslim non Iraqi , and i feel shame of what done by the late regime and it was terrible and unjustified and I love muslims no mater from,where they are ?
some more to say that we lost (5,000) brothers and sisters in (حلبجا) and now we are daily loosing about (100) muslims . iraq lost ,roughly speeking , since the occupation about one million muslims .so America dos not defend kurd it just fulfilling it's interest in iraq .the situation is like " out of the frying pan into fire "may allah bless all muslims , not Arabic muslims only



i am no fan of Saddam Hussein but USA is doing nothing better than him rather situation is worse there now


A Believer In Heart
Assalaam Alaykium,

Arbic nations are the strongest islamic nation in the world but in faith they might not be. One of the things i find sad to see is how the Arabic world who are the leading Islamic Nations don't stand up for their Muslim brothers and sisters were are fighting with Kufirs to keep their home safe and protected. But we must ask ourselve what is the cause of this? The answer is right there lack of emaam. Emaam is one of the things that they lack and those with great emaam were called Islamic extremist but i want someone to do define what "Islamic extremist" is. They are those who are willing to stand for their believes and for their Muslim sisters & brothers. Like the saying of the Prophet PBUH they want what they want for themselver for their brothers and sisters in Islam. They stand and correct with bad actions with their mouth, if not their hand if not there heart knowing that is the weakest on emaan in Muslim person part.

My dear brothers & sisters we can sit here and look at all the things our Muslim brothers didn't do or did that was bad but what are you willing to do to forget that. A man who can forgive break the bridge he himslef must cross so are you willing to break that bridge. I hope not. Lets pray and keep our Muslim sisters and brothers who are suffering in our sweet prayers.

:tti_sister:May Allah SWT guide all Muslims. May Allah SWT protect, guide, unity, and bless all Muslims. AMEEN!!!!

W'assalam Salaaam!


your are 100% right
we let down our brothers
and sisters all over the world
and this is accounted for before allah


Junior Member
What about you? Do you love other muslims?

your headline is do you love other muslims i wan´t to ask u now do u love other muslims? If yes why u just write about the pain of kurdish people i think u r not acting like a muslim but like a nationalist........ Can u feel the pain of the iraqi arab people or the pain of the chechens and so on? U blame Ali Hasan Al-Majid to be ressbonsible for the attacks but if you want to be fair you have to admit that your own politicians Talabani & Barzani are not better then him. Do you know or remember their reaction after the terrible pictures of abu graib go around the world? Got no words tu say... . Sorry. I want to ask u another question. Did you believe the media claiming Iraq had mass destructional weapons? How can the former Iraqi government held resbonsible for something which is not sure if they do it or not just because the media tells us that. If the media is reliable than there is noting more dangerous than Islam and its fanatic followers... Thinks are never like they look like. Politics is like a pretty mendacious lady. her face is pretty but u don´t know what is inside of her. Wrong or vague informations are the reason for fitna...Allah guide us to the right pass... I want to ask u a further question. Do you think it is write that the people in North Iraq want to establish a kurdish state there while the iraqi arabs are dying... yes the war rants just in the arab side while the north side is calm.. Why? finally there is one point I want to think everyone about. Do we muslims want to become one united ummah? If yes we have to stop talking like: the KURDISH Salahaddin Eyubi, the TURKISH Sai Nursi, the ARAB Sheick *!*!*!... the prophet is not an arab prophet he´s a muslim prophet. This great people r our people

sorry maybe I´m to direct. But my pain is huge... I didn´t want to attack you just wanted you to watch at thinks from an other perspective . de chuavis dilemin


A Believer In Heart
Assalaam Alaykium

I understand your point but don't use the word bitch. You are a Muslim and shouldn know better. A point i want to make is can you real feel the pain of those people. When it comes to feeling we humans think we can feel someone else joy or pain but we can't even if we want through the same thing. Also, You make claims brother but how do you make a claim without be there. Don't truse what you read or hear (which obvious you do) but you shouldn't make a claim that you don't have an evident for. We all know the USA didn't and doesn't have the right to be in Iraq or any country for that matter. But do we really have the right to say if they did or didn't. We don't know if what is right and wrong in my unproffesional opinion none of us should make claims because we don't know what is/was happening.

W'assalaam Salaam


asalamo alaykom wa rahamatullahi wa barakatuh

Yes we all love each other...the only problem is that our Imaan is weak


Junior Member

Excuse me alot for the evil word I used in my post. I´m really sorry. I realized it was wrong even wehn I´m angry I have to control myself. To that Im a sister and I didn´t said the USA did it....think you get me wrong TheKnowledgeSeeker... but you are write with using such a word I wronged myself. sorry again :astag::astag::astag: 100 times:astag:


Junior Member
your headline is do you love other muslims i wan´t to ask u now do u love other muslims? If yes why u just write about the pain of kurdish people i think u r not acting like a muslim but like a nationalist........ Can u feel the pain of the iraqi arab people or the pain of the chechens and so on? U blame Ali Hasan Al-Majid to be ressbonsible for the attacks but if you want to be fair you have to admit that your own politicians Talabani & Barzani are not better then him. Do you know or remember their reaction after the terrible pictures of abu graib go around the world? Got no words tu say... . Sorry. I want to ask u another question. Did you believe the media claiming Iraq had mass destructional weapons? How can the former Iraqi government held resbonsible for something which is not sure if they do it or not just because the media tells us that. If the media is reliable than there is noting more dangerous than Islam and its fanatic followers... Thinks are never like they look like. Politics is like a pretty mendacious lady. her face is pretty but u don´t know what is inside of her. Wrong or vague informations are the reason for fitna...Allah guide us to the right pass... I want to ask u a further question. Do you think it is write that the people in North Iraq want to establish a kurdish state there while the iraqi arabs are dying... yes the war rants just in the arab side while the north side is calm.. Why? finally there is one point I want to think everyone about. Do we muslims want to become one united ummah? If yes we have to stop talking like: the KURDISH Salahaddin Eyubi, the TURKISH Sai Nursi, the ARAB Sheick *!*!*!... the prophet is not an arab prophet he´s a muslim prophet. This great people r our people

sorry maybe I´m to direct. But my pain is huge... I didn´t want to attack you just wanted you to watch at thinks from an other perspective . de chuavis dilemin

Dear Sister Safya,

Alsalamu Alaikum!

I am not a nationalist, if so, I would never join a web site like TTI. Thank you for the questions you have asked me, now it is my tern to answer my respected sister.

1. I am the person who had not said even a word during Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse? Because, America is an invaider and that is what expected from them. Furthermore, this abuse reminded me the time when this prison was run by Saddam's authority and Kurdish people were imprisoned there, including my father, for nothing but being Kurds! Do you know what was going on under the authority of Saddam, the Arabic leader? The prisoners were given a bottle, and forced to choose between 2 options; either going into the bottle, or putting the bottle into themselves! If I am telling lie, may Allah put me into the Hellfire!

2. Yes, estabilishing a Kurdish state in the North of Iraq, or rather a great Kurdistan including the Kurds in all the parts of Kurdistan is what we Kurds dying for. Why the Arabs have 22 states, none of them talk about UMMAH state, but it is not allowed for the Kurds to have a state on their forefather's land?!

3. Barzani and Talabani do not represent the Kurdish Mulsim nation, they are two active politians that believe their nation have been always persecuted by Arabs, Turks, and Persians who claim to be Muslims. So if these opressers are Muslims, then the Kurds should think of a more peacful ideology which I do not agree with them. But the three forementioned nationas (their authorities) have practically proven that Muslims are terrorists, but whether they are true Muslims, that is another issue.

4. I love all the Muslims in the world, from Palastine to Chechan who are the victims of non-Muslims, but no Muslim talks about the Kurdish Muslims who are the victims of Muslims! It is you who is against the God-given rights of the Kurds, it is me who says, let's love all the muslim nations, including Kurdish.

5. I am writing about the pains and agonies of a Muslim nation, who is neglected by Muslims. It is my very responsibility to publicise the respressed voice of a Muslim nation by other nations. While all the Muslims talk about the pains of other muslims in Palastine, Kosovo, Chechan, Afghanistan, etc.

I know that the Arabs suffer in the Middle and South of Iraq, BUT the Arabic army who destroied 4,000 Kurdish villiages, with at least 4,000 mosques, and 10000s of Qurans, are all Arabs from the middles and south of Iraq, aren't they? THOSE WHO BURRIED ALAIVE 182,000 MUSLIM KURDS ARE ALL ARABS FROM THE MIDDLE AND TEH SOUTH, AREN'T THEY?

I hope you can think this issue fairly, and act justly (Wa'in hakamtum bain nasi fahkum biladl)

Yours brotherly,


New Member

i live in turkey.and i m muslim.but i dont like some other muslim's cultur.i m new here and i dont want to be misunderstood well the way somebody's eating rice by hand is awful.this shows us very bad to others.and there re some more expamles.and i cant understand why rich muslim countries dont hep poor islam countries much more.for example pakistan,sudan actually we re muslim.when we re doing things we cant chose people according to their religion.middle east in fire and africa is poor.what rich guys do is just watching if they open their tv.. united arab emirates spends alot of money for fun but remember our prophet the people around him had just their own clothets.they hadn't anything more.they slept hungry.but now what we do mekes me say SHAME ON ALL OFF US.all we go wont be heaven be sure of that.i dont remember full translation but it is like this :when your neigboard is re re not belong us.can u see it now....wake up and become real and show this world that WE RE NOT TERRORİST!!!!

Turk Gumption

Junior Member
i live in turkey.and i m muslim.but i dont like some other muslim's cultur.i m new here and i dont want to be misunderstood well the way somebody's eating rice by hand is awful.

Selamun Aleykum.

Eating rice by hand is kind of applicational sunnah . Prophet (S.A.W.) was used hand when he eating. Also many of Turkish i know don't use fork or knife at breakfast. So it is not related Turkish culture. It would be Jonturk culture:lol:


New Member
i mean that eating rice is awful not having breakfast couse u can eat a tomato by your hand and cheese too but rice is something diffrent.can we use our hand while eating soup.this is the point.rice is made with oil it is dirty.all i mean in this way
Selamun Aleykum.

Eating rice by hand is kind of applicational sunnah . Prophet (S.A.W.) was used hand when he eating. Also many of Turkish i know don't use fork or knife at breakfast. So it is not related Turkish culture. It would be Jonturk culture:lol:


A Believer In Heart
i live in turkey.and i m muslim.but i dont like some other muslim's cultur.i m new here and i dont want to be misunderstood well the way somebody's eating rice by hand is awful.this shows us very bad to others.and there re some more expamles.and i cant understand why rich muslim countries dont hep poor islam countries much more.for example pakistan,sudan actually we re muslim.when we re doing things we cant chose people according to their religion.middle east in fire and africa is poor.what rich guys do is just watching if they open their tv.. united arab emirates spends alot of money for fun but remember our prophet the people around him had just their own clothets.they hadn't anything more.they slept hungry.but now what we do mekes me say SHAME ON ALL OFF US.all we go wont be heaven be sure of that.i dont remember full translation but it is like this :when your neigboard is re re not belong us.can u see it now....wake up and become real and show this world that WE RE NOT TERRORİST!!!!

Assalam Alaykium brother,

First of all welcome to tti. Second, there are people who don't have anything but rice so keep that in mind while you are writing this things. Third, it sounds like you care about what others think of you more so i would advice you to stop care what others think. Fourth, don't juge others and let Allah SWT the greatest judge of all do that because Allah does better any of us. Five, when you want to do anything good start with yourself and leave others long. No offence at the end. And again welcome.

W'assalaam Salaam


Junior Member

dear brother Rawa,

to make one thing sure I didn´t said you r a nationalist I said you´re acting like one referred to this topic....

You do not have to swear I believe you that the Kurds who were imprisined through Saddam were treaden bad. But imagine you was in Saddams place What would u do? He wanted his country to be strong and united.. in Iraq are not only livig people from different ethnik groups like the arabs kurds turkmans...but also from difrent religious groups like sunnis shias christians yezids saba´... so it is very hard to find a leader who is pleasing every group. is it possible to keep the unity of such a land like this without being tough...?

I mentioned Abu Graib to show that the kurdish politicians are not better than the arab/turkish/persian ones... cuz after the pictures of Abu Graib become public their reaction was like: "that´s normal... in war thinks like that happen..." To justify zulm is the same like to commit zulm. they protected and are still protecting the american warfare...
I don´t want to say that the suffering of the Kurds through Saddam was not important. But the suffering of the iraqis through th US invasion is much much more great...

You say no muslim is giving a damn about the suffering of the kurds. You are right. But no muslim is also giving a damn about other opressed muslims. You act like there is a "mother ummah" and she loves all her "children" but not her "kurdistan child"...What are the muslims doing for the opressed people in Afgahnistan, Chechenistan, Iraq, China, etc....? NOTHING but talking. With talking only the problems don´t get solved... So not ONLY the kurdish nation is neglected by muslims.

Like Barzani n Talabani are not representig the kurdish muslim nation the arabic army is also not representing the muslim arab nation.

I want to point to one thing again: In politics thinks are never like they look like... Have u ever asked yourself why the west is concentrading so much on the kurd problem?....

In a very hard time like that the strain of the kurds to establish a own state is totally misplaced.... When the house of your neighbour is burning and your only problem is that your house is not well constructed than that can not be right...

I don´t have got anything against anyone. I don´t give a damn where someone is from. To that some sisters of mine are kurdish and I really love them. It is not that I don´t like kurds... I´ve got a political opinion yes but I´m not a politician and my people are also not...



Free Falestine!!!
Salam Brothers and Sisters

ofcourse I love all my muslims brothers and sisters. It doesnt matter where they come from or what they speak. All muslims are the same.
jzkar allah


As Salamu Alekum brother

First I'd like to convey my consolations for all your people in the memory of this horrible day.. May Allah accept them all as shohada' (martyrs) and reward them with paradis

But brother, don't you see that it's not just your own people problem? it's not about Kurdstan, Iraq or Kuwait? it's not even about Palestine or Chechan or Kosovo? It's rather about our Ummah, the ONE NATION Allah wanted us always to be: {And verily this Brotherhood of yours is a single Brotherhood and I am your Lord and Cherisher: therefore fear Me (and no other). (52) But people have cut off their affair (of unity), between them, into sects: each party rejoices in that which is with itself. (53) But leave them in their confused ignorance for a time (54)} (23:51-54)
{And hold fast, all together by the rope which Allah (stretches out for you), and be not divided among yourselves.....} (3:103)

Brother, may be I'm not so concerned with politics and don't know much... but what I see CLEARLY is that you'r not alone with this..didn't Saddam himslef with his ARABIC army invade and almost destroye another ARABIC MUSLIM SUNNI country, Kuwait? didn't he and his army go through that awful 8 yrs long war against another NEIGHBOR MUSLIM SHI'T PERSIAN country, Iran? (Btw, I heared that about two thirds of the population are Sunni, but not sure) that war that caused the death of thousands (if not millions) of his own ARABIC MUSLIM SUNNI people?
well, what's the point? I wanna say that you weren't the only victim for such a person and regimen (and it doesn't even disregard your sufferings though), and he wasn't just another ANTI-KURD person, it's simply that he was an OPPRESSOR, and it has nothing to do with ARAB AND KURD people. We - the arabs - as well as the muslims all over the world suffer from the dictatorship of our rulers, who work against Islam and the sake of the Nation... May Allah guide them all to the right path.. I say muslims from all over the world 'cuz if the ARAB MUSLIM leaders could ever unit and work for the sake of Allah and the Nation, No any other country whatsoever would be able to disregard and harm Muslim minorities, not even USA.
C brother, I can't figure out why u'd ever like to have a state? ain't it enough with so much breaking? we need to UNIT not to go on breaking, how can this help the Nation? or you people r so selfish? I can never forget some great people the Kurds gave to the Islamic nation, like Nour Eddeen Zenky, Salahu Eddeen Alayouby and so many scholars...but we r in a tribulation brother and we need to make our way out of it, so let's keep hand in hand and work together for sake of Allah and our Nation...

I'm sorry if I were tough or offended you in any way...
May Allah guide us all to whatever pleases Him...
Allah Hafez

Wassalam Alekum Warhmato Allah
