Does Anyone need help


Junior Member
If your going through a tough time and need advice or just someone to talk to, the first thing you should do is turn to Allah, which everyone probably already knows. you don't ask someone first because Allah is the only One that can hep you is the One who created you. People are just a means to deliver the help. so first ask Allah then you can ask anyone else, im here if anyone needs any advice or anything. plus i reay feel like heping someone so please ask me anything.


Junior Member
thanks a lot sister :) this was encouraging indeed. all of us have our problems and we feel needy. it is lack of our emaan that we run behind people expecting them to help us in someway. in reality noone is in charge of changing our condition. afetr all the efforts i did to solve my issues, everyday i feel asking someone's help was a wrong idea, only Allah swt can help us. may Allah increase our eman.


Junior Member
thanks a lot sister :) this was encouraging indeed. all of us have our problems and we feel needy. it is lack of our emaan that we run behind people expecting them to help us in someway. in reality noone is in charge of changing our condition. afetr all the efforts i did to solve my issues, everyday i feel asking someone's help was a wrong idea, only Allah swt can help us. may Allah increase our eman.
Ameen, but be careful sister because Allah will not change the condition of a people as long as they do not change themselves. [13,11]
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