family relations


New Member

Anyone know how to deal with Violent family members that don't practice and mock those who do as being hypocrites.


New Member
anyone live outside USA?

Just as the title states I'm looking to get a perspective on life and specifically about services offered to elderly and young children in different parts of the world.


New Member
Just as the title states I'm looking to get a perspective on life and specifically about services offered to elderly and young children in different parts of the world.
mods if you canedit this post into another thread that would be great jazakum allah khair


New Revert 2010
As Salamu 'Alaykum,

“When you hear God’s revelations disbelieved in and mocked at, do not sit with them until they enter into some other discourse; surely then you would be like them.” (4:140)

The main way to deal with a violent person is to stay calm. Although many people recommend assuming passive and submissive body language: eye looking down, hands unclenched, jaw relaxed. However, I personally think it is important to make clear that you will not tolerate abuse or violence. Should the person become violent with you, file a police report and follow through. No one has the right to threaten or harm you. (OR, you could do like someone I know did in the case of a violent husband who broke her foot in five places, tore her lip off her mouth, and removed the cast when she returned home. Leave the person, file for a restraining order, start dating your friends brother/sister who is a martial arts instructor and have him/her handle it and buy a gun. ( But I wouldn't recommend this. It is best to let the professionals hand it. ) If the police won't take action than go to an organization that deals with victims of violence and get their help.

Was Salam


Assalaam walaikum,

The Prophet of Allah told us how to curb our anger. However, when anger and abuse is directed at you it is a safety issue.
Family relations become very complex. The victim often does not wish to betray the family system. The family plays the same song. There are circumstances that are in play. There are triggers that set ofo the person with the anger. You have to be patient and observe what those triggers are. Once you have identified the triggers..what are the events that set this person can change your set of responses. It is just a simple suggestion.