for muslim refugees

ahmad al magtani

Kulo Nuwun

Who want to taste the world, just know it I had eaten it. Pleasure and torture had been sent to me.

I see the world as a deception and badness, like water illusion on a surface of desert.

World is only tempting corps, surrounding by tempted dogs. If you stay away from it, sure you will save. But if you are tempted, sure dogs will bark you.

Stay away from useless thing, cause that is forbidden for who scare Allah.

Are you going to build an eternal building in this world? if you think about it again, staying in this world is only a moment.

For who ever feel that in this world we only passing by, then living under tree is enough.

Are you expect to live immortal in a mortal land?
Do you ever heard that there is clouds which never move?

I feel, I was jailed in this world, but you even fall in love with. How could you love something jail you?.

Don’t get happy with the place you live now. One day you will leave it.

Taken from book:
Title : "Cahaya Nabawi : Syarah Sufistik 40 Hadis Imam Nawawi"
Page 206-207
By Abd Al-Wahhab Al-Sya'rani
Publisher Hikmah


Your Sister In Islam

beautiful poem, i take it that you have written it urself. i can relay to this, and i do have this strong thought in my mind to go back with my family to the homeland. i know my mum wants to. just a few more years and than we can live as normal cultural people.