God Is The Divine Sovereign.

Abu Fauzi

Junior Member
As-Salaam alaikum,
In verse/ayat 23 of chapter 21 of the Holy Qur'an, Surat Anbiya, Allah Ta'ala says :--
"La yus'alu anma yaf'alu.. He cannot be questioned about what He does" (21:23).

As observed by Sayyadi Ibn Arabi in his 'Kitab al - Talal Wa-l Jamal', this verse is connected to irresistible force the plane of Allah's transcendent Power, and the establishment of Divine Sovereignty over the world.

When these attributes become fixed in the servant's heart, it is impossible for him to seek the reason for an occurence or to raise any objection to it... the remaining part of the verse reads : "Wa hum yus'aluun.. but they will be questioned".. Yes, we will be questioned for our acts, because as His creatures and servants, we are dependent and responsible to Allah Ta'ala... that basically we must live life on planet earth in accordance with the provisions of His Holy Qur'an and the Sunnah of His last Messenger sent to the universe.
