Halal Monitering Commitee (HMC)


Junior Member
:salam2: Brothers and Sisters Of TTI

Hope you are all in the best of health and imaan.

I was pondering upon a certain topic that is quite an issue in the modern times. The topic of "halal meat".

As we all may have heard or come to learn about the fraud of meat consumption and slaughtery, a commitee known as HMC or Halal Meat Comittee has come together to work against that fraud.

Here is their website:

Currently they work around the UK.
and also my father is a member of this group.

The commitee consists of Ulama and members of society who want to work against this.

If we already all know about this, then mashallah, hoping we can support their efforts, make duaa for them to succeed in their goals.May Allah give them the ability to ensure that the muslim community all consumes pure halal meat and not haram meat. May Allah Shower His Mercy Upon them by ensuring they succeed in their goals. Ameen.

Jazakallah Khairun.



Junior Member
Oh and One more thing,

i am only 16 and do not know much about this.

If anyone else does, please enlighten me with their information.



Well-Known Member
Staff member
As-salaamu `alaykum

Let me tell you a couple of things. From what I've heard from other butchers, it costs money to become HMC certified, and it is not exactly cheap so they have claimed... Also, if a butchers isn't HMC certified, it does not automatically mean that they sell stunned meat, they might stun their meat, or they might not. All it means akhi, is that they haven't got their HMC certificate to "prove" it is unstunned. Yet, there are also cases where people get the HMC certification as a means of attracting customers, and then go back to their old fraudulent ways, such as having recording of Bismillaah, slaughtering a number of animals with one basmallaah, writing it on the blade and what not!? So unless the committee does regular and random checks, I don't see the point in the certification. And the `Ullemaa' who are on that board are, as far as I can tell by the names and what some reliable brothers have informed me, they are those who have permitted riba by saying you can take out a mortgage for purchasing your first house, but not other than that?

The best thing is to find a butchers you know, who are trustworthy, and if they are HMC than that is better... Allaah knows best. But there are some companies and butchers who have HMC certification, yet they get their meat from non HMC sources still!? Some brothers and butchers have gone as far as saying that it's just a money making issue, and that because they are not an official UK certified body, they don't have much power. Yet Allaah knows best , they have done some good and eye-opening research, but I don't put my trust in them...

EDIT: Alhamdulillaah, they do regular checks... I checked their website. May Allaah guide us and make these affairs easy for us... Who can you trust these days?


Junior Member
The reason why i trust them 100% is because

one of the ulama is my father who has graduated from Darul Uloom Bury which is one of the oldest madrassahs in England owned by Hadhrat Sheikh Yusaf Motala Sahb

and the other is Mufti Javed Iqbal who has graduated from Madina Tul Uloom. I cannot say that these people are the type to do such things. These are only the ones from Birmingham, the others i do not know about. But these Ulama are trustworthy. They have not done such things.

Yes i see your point about the expenses but its better to eat Halal food then haraam. If it costs to ensure the purity of meat then id rather do that because i dare not go astray from my religion.

People CLAIM to have HMC certification when they do not. They wont be able to clearly prove that. They will not possess a certificate, and all the butchers that have been HMC certified in Birmingham have gladly come aboard HMC.

EDIT: and the reason why they cost is because of employing more staff for the HMC board so more checks and certification can be processed, so annual pay for each employee is vital.

I put my trust in them as my father is a member of that committee and has been a well known aalim around Birmingham for 20 years. My father is a serious thinker, and if it was the case you put forward then he would not have done so.

Jazakallah Khairan for sharing your information brother.
