Have you ever experienced an earthquake?


Slave of Allah
No, I haven't. I heard, though, that there was an earthquake 5 years ago (2001) where I live, but I never felt it or remember it.


Junior Member

I also myself have never experienced an earthquake, though the earthquake had struck in minor scale magnitude, and it was showing in NEWS that an earthquake of low magnitude had occured, and I was a bit surprised as I had not experienced any tremors when the earthqukae struck. subhanallah !


Junior Member
Subhanallah on the day the earthquake struck in kashmir oct 8 2005 me my mum and brothers went to Pakistan. We landed At Islamabad airport the following morning and Subhanallah that day i arrived at my mums families house and there were soo many after shocks Subhanallah it was scaryyyy.

May Allah Subhanhuwatala Forgive all those who suffered Ameen.

In the quran it says how Allah Subhanhuwatala doesnt destroy a town for no reason. This may sound silly of me but Rumours had it that a imam in Muzafarabad got a young MALE teenager to marry a 40 year old man Allah Knows best. Subhanallah it was also Ramadhan and they found naked bodies of men and women (unmarried) on eachother so sorry to metion this but Subhanallah its a lesson for us, u never know when death will get you.
It was on the news how after everying that happened robbers were cutting the arms of rich ladies cus thay had gold bangles on AUTHUBILLAHI!!!!!!

There was a story on the newspaper how a man was sitting on a bus and he found a poisonous snake under his seat. So what he did was throw that snake out of the window. Subhanallah the snake bit a guy on a motorbike that was riding buy and he died str8 away. The Man was upset so he got the bus to stop. Everyone was concerned to who this man was so they searched a suitcase which was attached to the motor bike and BEHOLD it had cut up arms of women with gold jewellery on them. WE SEEK REFUGE IN ALLAH SUBHANHUWATALA!!!!!!! Subhanallah after such a big Earthquake people still have the heart to do such evil!!

Wa Alaykum Asalaam Warahmatullahi Wabarakathuhu


New Member
Assalamo Alaikum

i was in Phuket (Thailand) when the tsunami struck. i'v never seen anthing like it before. Allah saved me & my freiend.

Alhumdolillah this made me closer closer to my emaan.



Junior Member

I have experienced a few tremors. Nothing to scary. A few broken plates & furniture moved.



Muslim Guy
Yup, sometime in 1993 in Iran. I thought there was a big fish (whale) swimming under our house or something like that time. A few plates broke and the furniture moved about a few inches. The experience a mix between scary and fun, much like a roller coaster ride...

Sister S

Junior Member

i was in Pakistan when the earthquake happened.i was sleeping, and when my bed started shaking, i thought it was my sister shaking my bed.but then i heard my grandma shouting "everyone get out, its an earthquake".so we all got up and ran out.the chandeliers were making alot of noise, there was a loud rumbling noise.we all sat outside and waited for it to be over, i quickly text my mum who was back in the UK and told her about the earthquake.

After the earthquake was over, there were alot of aftershocks.and when an aftershock happened we quickly ran out and for a couple of nights we slept in the garden.

A couple of hours later we switched on the TV to see the damage the earthquake had done.they kept showing the buildings in Islamabad nothing about the Kashmir area.Later they showed us about Kashmir and then we realised the extent of the damage.

i dont think ill ever forget that day.all we can do is thank Allah for saving us and ask Him to help the people who are caught in natural disasters.
