

New Member
salaam to you all,
I wanted to introduce myself briefly. I am a physician living in an Asian country. Personally I am interested in sports - ı had been riding but not regularly from the college years but now I am away from home town and I am working in a small city for now, where tennis luckily is an option for those who love sports-and literature. Reading is my main hobby. If we are to categorize people as those who 1 see 2 hear 3 touch I am from the second group exactly. I love music also.
I am a muslim already al hamdullilah however being a muslim is a dynamic process and I believe I have a lot to learn both from muslims and also from nonmuslims. I am very happy to have the opportunity to hear from and discuss with you as every new idea is a new window opening in our minds.


Wa alaykum salaam! :hijabi:

I'm a physician and originally from Asia, too. :) I hope you enjoy your stay here in TTI.
