Help: Is this Dua shirk?


Pearl of Islaam

In the first place, why you need to make du'a in such a way? Just ask Allah directly this will solve your problem.


Mashallah I agree with you brother. If we are not sure is it shirk to ask help from Allah subhan we teala trough RasulAllah s.a.w.s.,we should only ask from our Allah because Allah truly hear our prayersa,d He is the only One who can help us if we are in need of help.

I am meet only with al waasala, which is asking high place and honour on both worlds for Prophet Mohammed s.a.w.s which every Muslim should recite after each prayer Inshallah.

May Allah bless you



Pearl of Islaam
akhi as i said before, i fear that some of my dua's may not be accepted due to my weak faith and sins. and i m in great need of my Lord's help.

Assalamu allaicum dear brother

Dear brother you should know that Allah is always listening our prayers,and that we have to be patiente. Sometimes duas are not immedaitely accpeted,but if you be patiente you will even get more reword for be patiente of waiting that you duas be accepted.
Allah Messanger s.a.w.s said: Dua is the essence of worship". Allah subahn we teala sais: "Call me and I will answer you". (Suraah Ghafir,yah 60). Allah subahn we teala aslo sais: "When my servents ask you about me,surely I am near,I answer the caler when he calls me so let them obey me and belive in me so they can be guided.".
Brother do not worry if your dua does not be accepted imidately as for sereval reason,if you are Allah honest Servent He knows what is the best for you. For sure He hears His honest Servents so do not loose hope in Allah InhsAllah. Dua is like "direct talk" with Allah Almighty.

May Alah give you baarakah of your duas and make them be accepted and of all Muslims.:tti_sister:


Hubbu Rasoolullah

can i pray like this?

Ya Allah, I ask You through the Waseela of Your Messenger Muhammad [May Allah bless him and grant him peace], give me so and so....

i am in dire need of Allah's help and fear that my sins and shortcomings are becoming an obstacle.

maybe through waseela of His beloved :saw:, my dua's will be answered.
Assalaamu Alaikuh My Brother in Islam..

Yes..... You can ask like that. that is permissioble. Imaam Bukhari Rahmathullahi Alai have mentioned in his Saheehul Bukhari in various Plc.....

I am telling you one haddeth..... Nabi Adam Alaihissalaathuwassalaam Asked forgiveness through Noble Nabi Muhammed Rasoole Karim Sallallahu Alaihiwasallam.... and there are various hadeeth tha i can tell you.....

Pls note down my SkypeID and Yahoo Messenger you can chat and get every thing..

Your Brother in Islam