Help me I am scared of my neighbors Halloween decorations


Junior Member
Asalam Alaikum brothers and sisters, I have a dilemma. Living in the west people here celebrate Halloween. My apt building and my neighbors have all these terrible decorations up of " ghosts", " goblins", skeletons, tomb stones, and other devils things. AHHHHH SO SCARY. Working at a hospital I don't get home until midnight and when I get out of my car I am bombarded with all these shierk devilish scary things. To be very honest I am scared because it is midnight, very dark and no one is on the street. When I get out of my car there is a human size doll of a demon looking straight at me. I try to keep my eyes down , but every where you look there they are just staring at you.What should I do or say?


Junior Member
sis- the best way is to ignore it. maybe u could park u car somewhere else? when i saw the eadline of this post- it was pretty funny:lol: but now i can imagine how scary it must actually be! ss, just- b4 u get out of ur car, recite Aytul-Kursi and (i dont know what other people call it, but i call it this) thum on urself. like blow on urself. just reciting protects u from evil. hope it helps.
(btw- i know, the decorations r ridiculous, arent they?)


New Member
assalamo alikum warahmatolah ta'ala wa barakato
الحمد لله رب العالمين، والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا ونبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين، وبعد:
الدعاء الذي يقال عند القلق والفزع والوحشة هو ما رواه أبو داود والترمذي من حديث عمرو بن شعيب عن أبيه عن جده أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم كان يعلمهم من الفزع كلمات: (أعوذ بكلمات الله التامة من غضبه وشر عباده ومن همزات الشياطين وأن يحضرون).
والله أعلم.
if u ever feel worried or scared just repeat those words
A'otho bi kalematILLAh Min shar Ebadeh wa min Hamazat AL-shayateen In HAdaro

the translation is like
u i pray to be assisted from allah to help me against the evilness of the *!*!*!*!an and bad people if they come.
i wish i could help more.
assalam alikum


to Allah we belong
keep reminding urself that everything is in Allah's control.

before reaching there, keep in ur mind that u r goin to see humans wearing demonic masks, etc. and when u see them, believe in ur heart that they are just playing, so i should not worry.

always keep Allah in ur mind.


Striving for Janatul firdous
mashallah I am the same, my block isnt that bad, but going in and out of these old folks home with theses gig decorations is spooky and the statues spook me aswell


Junior Member
Halloween decorations..

Asalam Alaikum brothers and sisters, I have a dilemma. Living in the west people here celebrate Halloween. My apt building and my neighbors have all these terrible decorations up of " ghosts", " goblins", skeletons, tomb stones, and other devils things. AHHHHH SO SCARY. Working at a hospital I don't get home until midnight and when I get out of my car I am bombarded with all these shierk devilish scary things. To be very honest I am scared because it is midnight, very dark and no one is on the street. When I get out of my car there is a human size doll of a demon looking straight at me. I try to keep my eyes down , but every where you look there they are just staring at you.What should I do or say?
Dear sister:

How I can so relate!! This is my first year as a Muslim having to deal with these things. Yes, the halloween decorations - horrible. I see you are in the US as I am. So not only do we have to persevere through this Holiday, but than Thanksgiving and Christmas (I call it "giftmas"). Even before I became a Muslim Thanksgiving and Christmas REALLY bothered me. I spent last Thanksgiving at a friend of my Mom's. Thanksgiving (as I was brought up to believe) was a time to reflect and be thankful and grateful to have such a bounty of food, etc. Last year (and years before), all I remember is hearing people comment about being grateful for wealth, etc..And Christmas, that has bothered me for YEARS. Hardly any christians celebrate this for the real reason. It's more like a competition to see who can buy the most gifts, etc..

I just realized I am being judgemental, may Allah taala forgive me this. But I just wanted to know that you are not alone. It's frustrating and I'm going through the same thing.

Peace be upon you..and hang in there..
