Helping out ????


Junior Member

Hallo fellow brothers & sisters in islam, i hope u r all in good health & mind too

Well today my topic is more towads the brothers since it's about them, ok then.
I wanted to know how many of u brothers out there actually take the time to even help out their wives, sisters and mothers?? as a brother i knw that not too many brothers help out since we take it for granted.
I come from a culture where many men assosiciate house work with women, since it's their duty?? well thanks to my mother i am free from such things cauz ever since i was a young boy my mother used to teach me how to take care of things especially house work, so now i am the one who does everything for her, well almost about everything. So my point is that we brothers need to change our habits, cauz we need to show our love for our sisters, mothers and wives so that they know we care for them. I am not saying that u do something big, but rather something small like maybe cooking food, throwing out the trash, washing dishes after each meal. Brothers i'm telling u will be shocked how simple things can change ur lives, so y don't start now cauz u never knw when death will be upon u so start to change ur habits it's never too late. Inshallah i hope u brothers at least try to make an effort of doing something after reading this & don't forget. I am merely trying to help out with the little i can for now so that inshallah one day we brothers stop the injustices that are done to muslim women due to some cultural & traditional practises that aren't related to islam in any way. In short the moral of this message is that, inorder for us to show what the true islam is, we must first change ourselves ?? what i mean is that we must live our lives as ordained in the quran & also follow the sunnah of prophet muhammed saw & only then can we spread the change outwards to those closest to us & then the outside world. Inshallah i hope one day that all muslims be united as one & follow the true path of islam



وَاتَّقُواْ اللَّهَ
Wa 'alaykumusalaam wa rahmatullaah

mashaaAllah, good message akhi.....

indeed it is culture that promotes the ridiculous idea that housewrok is for sisters alone!

this idea is against the sunnah of Rasoolullaah [salAllaahu 'alayhi wa aalihi wasalam]..because He [salAllaahu 'alayhi wa aalihi wasalam] used to mend His own shoes, patch His own clothes, milk His own goats and keep Himself busy in serving His Family... SubhaanAllaah.... What a perfect example...May ALLAH [azzawajal] give us the tawfeeq to follow the sunnah of the Best of Creation. Allaahuma Aameen!

jazaakAllaahu Khayr akhi