Hey Ya'll, it's me again!


Junior Member
I came up with another question. Since it is haram for Muslims to celebrate the tradition of Christmas, what do you think of the following.....

My husband's muslim friends open kiosks in the mall for the Christmas shopping season (Oct-Dec). They do this with the intention of profitting off of this Holiday.....I think that is a little hypocritical. Wondering if this is okay in Islam? And how could they not tell their customers "merry christmas" after they purchase gifts from them? That would just be rude. So is this seasonal business contradictory to Islam?



Junior Member
Hi Diane!

I've been searching for fatwas (scholarly decrees) regarding this matter but haven't found anything yet. I guess these men setting up kiosks in the mall around the holidays needs to be viewed in a few ways. Are they selling religious paraphenalia such as crosses, bibles, manger scenes? If they are then yes it is wrong. However if they are selling items no dofferent from their usual ware I can't see how it is hypocritical.

As far as them not saying ?Merry Christmas" well I think it wise for them to say "Happy Holidays." It would be presumptive to assume you are selling to a Christian and not a someone of a different religion such as Judaism since their holidays fall around the same time. Not to mention I know quite a few atheists who celebrate Christmas as a cultural holiday and not a religious one.

It would seem more odd to me if they refused to sell around the Christian holidays and quite elitist for that matter. In my opinion it looks like a win/win situation for both sides.



Junior Member
I came up with another question. Since it is haram for Muslims to celebrate the tradition of Christmas, what do you think of the following.....

My husband's muslim friends open kiosks in the mall for the Christmas shopping season (Oct-Dec). They do this with the intention of profitting off of this Holiday.....I think that is a little hypocritical. Wondering if this is okay in Islam? And how could they not tell their customers "merry christmas" after they purchase gifts from them? That would just be rude. So is this seasonal business contradictory to Islam?


in summer we by more ice creams then winter, i dont think it matters who we are selling to as long as we not selling harram things , and it iss fairly priced, even thou i herd that it is not allowed to wish merry christmas, but instead can say peace and blessings, or happy holidays,
jazak-allah for asking,


قل هو الله أحد
Hi Diane

I'm not sure about the religious ruling but I think Sarah's POV is reasonable: it depends on what you sell.

This Christmas dilemma is not something I'm completely unfamiliar with. Where I work I get loads of cards & presents every Christmas - which I have to say I don't find the courage to reject. People -however- tend to be polite and use cards that say something like: peace ... etc. I never send anyone cards for Christmas (cards are not my thing anyway). I usually bring in Arab sweets & similar stuff in Eid and whenever I have a special occasion. I do usually cover the shifts over Easter / Xmas ... etc. I do rarely crack and slip the "Merry Christmas".

I see it this way: for me to congratulate someone with Christmas is akin to congratulating them because they are going to the hellfire .... Now THIS is hypocrisy.

I don't volunteer my opinion about it, but if asked I do say what I think ...

That's my take on it.


Junior Member
christ jesus peace be with him and his mother

I came up with another question. Since it is haram for Muslims to celebrate the tradition of Christmas, what do you think of the following.....

My husband's muslim friends open kiosks in the mall for the Christmas shopping season (Oct-Dec). They do this with the intention of profitting off of this Holiday.....I think that is a little hypocritical. Wondering if this is okay in Islam? And how could they not tell their customers "merry christmas" after they purchase gifts from them? That would just be rude. So is this seasonal business contradictory to Islam?

asalam wailkium sister. To profit from selling such things is not a problem aslong as the product is halal eg to sell a christmas tree is not a problem because the tree itself is not haraam, to sell christmas food is not a problem because cakes and turkey's are simply everyday food products which is permitted, so to make money from such a event isnt the issue, the issue here is of religious tradition, if a muslim actively celebrates and partakes in a religious way then this is not permitted. As for saying merry christmas, its better for the brothers to say have a happy time or enjoy' as this is from the good manners and respect ie i hope enjoy your time with your family and friends. Thats it. We should adapt our words so we respect others but at the same time safeguard our deen. Also we muslims should try to use this event to remind christains about the reality of jesus christ, his message of allah and about the reality of this world and there hereafter. Masalama