Highlighting in the Qur'an(English translation)


Junior Member
Assalamu Aleikom Everyone.
Insha'Allah you are all in the best of health and enjoying the miracles of these last days of Ramadan.

I have a question that I would like to know if any of you can help with.

I have an English translation of the Qur'an that I use. I have heard that it is not considered to be a "real" Qur'an since it is not in the Arabic language, but good enough for use by someone who does not understand Arabic.

So my question is:
Since it is not considered to be an original Qur'an, can I highlight in it with a highlighter pen?

The reason I ask is because I am trying to study the Qur'an and the Surah's and learn as much as I can.(as if I am studying for a subject in school) It is easier for me to learn certain topics, or things said in a book when I am able to highlight and go back to view them. I have quick reference to them this way.

I do not want to desecrate(damage something holy) the Qur'an in any way, and though this is not considered an original, it still has the words of Allah in it so I am not sure if this is ok for me to do.

Anyone want to tell me what you think? :)


Junior Member
As Wr Wb

So my question is:
Since it is not considered to be an original Qur'an, can I highlight in it with a highlighter pen?


I think it's ok as long as you use it for learning.


abou haytam

Junior Member
Clever guess on the part of a Christian woman

Assalamu Alaikum,
I am a Christian who is very interested in Islam and I am currently reading a translation of the Koran in my language. I know that women should not touch the Koran while having their menses but since translations are not regarded as the word of God and therefore not equal to the Arabic text, I'd like to know if not touching the Koran during menses also applies to translations.
Thank you very much for your help.


Praise be to Allaah.

You have hit the nail on the head: your guess is correct. A translation is not like the Mus-haf (Arabic text of the Qur’aan) and the same rules do not apply. A translation is like a tafseer (commentary), and so a menstruating woman is allowed to touch it. Your analysis of this matter demonstrates astute reasoning and excellent thinking skills, which makes us feel that you will soon embrace Islam; may Allaah guide you to all good.

COMMENT: The publication of this question on October 13 and then was sent to us on 98 2-2 99 the following message:

Assalamu Alaikum, I sent you questions 3100 and 3313 a while a go and I would just like to tell you that I embraced Islam recently, alhamdulillah! I just wanted to share this with you and thank you for responding to my questions. May Allah reward you. Sincerely

Islam Q&A
Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid


Junior Member
THANK YOU SO MUCH to both of you.

Though in my mind, I thought that I could do it since it is not an actual Qur'an, I was not sure. You have cleared things up for me and I do appreciate it.

Allah Hafiz