Hope-Losing vs Keeping


Junior Member
What is hope when it comes to being a muslim. Islam says that a muslim never loses hope in Allah. But I am not talking about that. I am talking about losing hope with things that you desire in life. It is only when you lose hope that you try a new path. But the destination remains the same. But what if your happiness or should I say "the feeling of happiness" is attached to a certain path. What does islam exactly says about hope. My definition of hope is " anticipation of achieving a desired result".

Precious Star

Junior Member
That is a good definition, brother Ahsen.

I believe that when the Quran speaks of hope in Allah, it refers to Allah's mercy. And we cannot fathom Allah's mercy. This means that if the desired result is not attained, we have to believe it is the result of Allah's mercy. It is also possible that it is as a result of Allah's punishment, but tha just means a punishment in hell may be diverted for us, which is also a mercy.

The way you framed your question was interesting. Dear brother, a Muslim is not a species. We are all human beings, Muslim or Christian or Jew or Druze or Hindu. We all have desires, wants and needs. We all want comfort, love, good jobs, shelter, food when hungry, water when thirsty, medicine when sick. We all want to do well in school, we all want to learn how to drive a car, all women want babies, all parents would die for their children. Etc.

My point is, hope is something that is in all of us. We are wired to want the joys and successes of this life, as well as a merciful hereafter. I think it is 100% normal to hope that your dreams and aspirations come true, while recognizing that Allah does not operate outside of this worldly realm. What I mean by that is that if we wan to grow 5 inches taller, it probably isn't going to happen. If we want the sky to turn green instead of blue, we can hope and pray but it will not happen. When I am 50 years old, I know it would be very unrealistic for me to hope for babies.

There are realistic boundaries to all of our hopes and desires. We should therefore keep our hope realistic as well. Not all dreams are achievable.

Aisya al-Humaira

الحمدلله على كل حال
What is hope when it comes to being a muslim. Islam says that a muslim never loses hope in Allah. But I am not talking about that. I am talking about losing hope with things that you desire in life. It is only when you lose hope that you try a new path. But the destination remains the same. But what if your happiness or should I say "the feeling of happiness" is attached to a certain path. What does islam exactly says about hope. My definition of hope is " anticipation of achieving a desired result".

Wa`alaykum as-salaam wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh,

I read the questions a few times to be able to grasp a full understanding of your main points. As Sister Precious Star rightly said, an interesting way to frame the questions and it is true that when we speak about hope, we can't separate without talking about Allaah's Mercy.

I used to keep this one big dream for many years since I was in elementary school. That dream used to be my biggest drive to succeed in study. When everybody around me achieved that dream even if they never really wanted it but me who wanted it so bad for many years haven't receive it yet, I remember being heart broken and cried real hard. Crying over something is very rare for me; even if people had hurt me badly so it shows how badly I wanted that dream.

As years passed by and now when I can see there are options for me to achieve that dream and to be where I want to be, it is not something I dream of anymore. Especially since I am trying my best to hold on to principles which I believe are obligatory for me. In short, something that used to be my biggest dream in life isn't a dream for me anymore. In fact, it has become something that I don't mind even if I don't achieve it.

Analyzing the situation, if one says this may be the result of waiting for so long, I got worn out and tired of it thus why I don't want it anymore, I actually don't look at it that way. I look at it that by Allaah withholding it from me is actually a hidden blessing. I really believe for everything that has happened in our life, there are many ways to look at it. The way we look at it and the way we deals with it actually mirrors who we really are.

IMHO, brother, so long that it doesn't makes you lose your function, it doesn't takes away the tranquility and faith in your life in a way that you can't do anything properly (because you just couldn't accept the fact that that one wish/desire/hope/dream you've always long for in this life is something you won't/can't achieve) then I'd say, keep your hopes high and continue making your prayers. Because you do not know if Allaah is going to fulfill that hope at the very last moments in your life.

But if you've come to a point that you are OK not achieving it because you value other small things around you more, then that is fine too. However, saying that only that certain path will give you a feeling of happiness is like narrowing your source of happiness. For each one of us, what gives us happiness is different and unique. Search for yours too, without just relying that only that one certain path defines your happiness.

One important valuable lesson I learnt from a dear friend is that, of all the bad events/matters that happened to us in life and we have even reached to the point of losing hope to fix it or being in a better condition, we should try to accept it and try to feel contented with the bad things that we can't change. Things that we can't change such as who are families are or our looks/height/nationality. When we have felt that contentment of His Fate, then inshaa Allaah a peacefulness with follow us.

That is when I really understood of this verse:

And [remember] when your Lord proclaimed, 'If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor]; but if you deny, indeed, My punishment is severe.' [Ibrahim: 7]

It is only when you lose hope that you try a new path.

This somehow reminds me of the poem "The Road Not Taken".

I hope you and everyone having their own special dream in life won't lost hope if it is something that you can still change and put an effort for.



Junior Member
What is hope when it comes to being a muslim. Islam says that a muslim never loses hope in Allah. But I am not talking about that. I am talking about losing hope with things that you desire in life. It is only when you lose hope that you try a new path. But the destination remains the same. But what if your happiness or should I say "the feeling of happiness" is attached to a certain path. What does islam exactly says about hope. My definition of hope is " anticipation of achieving a desired result".
Walaikum Salaam,

The Goal is important and so are the means(path) chosen to achieve goal. When the realization that most liked path will not help realize the goal, we pause, gather ourselves and probe whats wrong. The attachment to a certain path might not help. When the path has not helped reach the goal, its time to take stock and re-assess. Ask why? Wrong goal? Not exerting enough in this certain path to achieve goal. Is it that the certain path one has attachment to is not tailor made to meet our goals? If answer is yes, we seek alternatives and figure a new path. As long as the new path (means) is good, and can take us closer to our goal, it makes sense to accept the new path as way ahead and focus on flourishing in the new path. The new path might teach what was wrong while seeking goal in the previous path.