How are you today?


Junior Member
Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

Masha'Allah something for us all to reflect upon below, insha Allah can help to give us a wakeup call to the reality of this dunya.

It was related from Al-Marroodhee that he asked (Al-Imaam) Ahmad:

How are you today (lit. How is your morning)?

He replied:

How can one’s day be while he is required by his Lord to perform obligatory acts of worship?

(How can one’s day be while) his Prophet is calling him to practice the Sunnah?

(How can one’s day be while) two angels are requiring from him to correct his deeds?

(How can one’s day be while) his nafs urges him to follow its desires?

(How can one’s day be while) Iblees is beckoning him to commit all types of indecent, evil deeds?

(How can one’s day be while) the Angel of Death is observing him (waiting) to take his soul?

(How can one’s day be while) his dependants are asking him to provide them with maintenance?

Taken from Siyaar A'laamin Nubalaa by Al-Imaam adh-Dhahaabee; volume 11/227

Translated by Dawud Adib

Dawud Adib the son of David C.White Sr.

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Junior Member
:jazaak: for sharing that. How wise he was. Imaam of the sunnah the one through whom Allah protect this deen during the great trial.