How do you become a better cooker?


Umm Zubayr
Assalam aleikum all,

I have a fundamental question: how to become a better cooker?


Don't say: practise makes better..because it doesn't neseccarily.

So, how do you do it?

This is for both brothers and sisters to think on and give me some tips bi-idnih-Lah


Here to help

read cooking books.
visit the 5* kitchen forum on tti.
stand next to yr mom when she cooks & HELP.
always ask yourself how can you improve yr food.
keep a recipe next to you & go slowly and steady.
Don't be afraid to fail, it's often your failures that will teach you about cooking.
islamic; BE PATIENT, DON'T GIVE UP :p :lol:



Umm Zubayr

Can I have testimonies of poeple who have tried what Osman proposed and did it eventually work? It seems good especially the reading of cooking books..

warda A



Don't say: practise makes better..because it doesn't necessarily.

Libin, it does make perfect but, practicing in different ways or methods
It always works, i have done that, and Osman is right, you learn well next to your mum especially if she is a really good cook.

I can not bake without a cook book, so i keep one with me when i bake, but for ordinary daily foods i just cook from practice.

You learn slowly, and of course you will burn the food and your fingers but that is the beauty of learning,

My rule is easy does it.

sister herb

Official TTI Chef

My best teacher was my grandfather (he lived almost 20 years as widow). From him I learnt best recipes and mostly now I don´t use any cook books at all.

Just yesterday my mom called me and asked how I have learnt to make so nice chocolate cake...
