how do you....?


Slave of Allah (swt)
aslam o alikum :)
what about urdu and punjabi lol :) i speak urdu and understand punjabi LOL
sister: behn/ behna / baji (older sister)
brother : bhai / bhaiya

sister: phehna
brother: pharaa

LOL :) dont make fun of my punjabi :p all u punjabi speakers on the forum :)


Junior Member
wow..i found two tamilians in TTI..this is great Masha Allah..yes I use latha for sister and naana for elder brother..


Servant of Allah
Asalamu alaykum wrwb.
sister: Walaal (if u wanna say my sister, you say "walaashay")
brother: walaal 9 if u wanna say my brother you say "walaalkay")
the language is somali. and as the sister said you can say abayow or abowe depending on the region you grew up in somalia.


Servant of Allah
This is surely many diverse backgrounds mashallah...

I'm the boring one amongst you..I speak all I have is *akhi* and *ukhti*..*sigh*

I wish I still remembered the Kurdish I learned when I was little so I would've shared the words with you all..but unfortunately I forgot it due to my rarely speaking it :(

But I know the words in Maltese so I'll share them (too long of a story to tell you how I learned them lol)

Brother ---> Hu
Sister ---> Oht

The word Oht is almost EXACTLY like the word for *sister* in Arabic which is Ukht/Okht (depending on how you latinize it)..which makes sense since 40% of the Maltese language is Arabic..Arabic speakers would not find a problem communicating there seriously! :)..sooo..that was my little trivia along with my life story for the now I will say my salams and leave the thread..ehm!


Asalamu alaykum wrwb. Shame shame shame on you ukhti! lol. you know how hard i try speaking arabic...and this is how you treat it in your mind. if i could speak only arabic and forget all the other languages i would gladly do so, but Alhamdulillah i'm gonna learn it, even if it takes me a lifetime. and you consider that boring!!!! if i could speak arabic i would speak it probably every second of my life. lol. hey call me crazy but i love the arabic language. oh how i wish i could speak it! say Alhamdulillah young lady. ana qataliki anti ya ukhtil 3aziza. lol.:) i love you, asalamu alaykum wrwb. wow, i lecture don't i. :)