How many people here went on Hajj?


:bismillah: asslamualyakum brother i went once for hajj in 2003 by the grace of:Allah: hope :Allah: will call me be back for hajj:tti_sister: :tti_sister: love to there during hajj season
:wasalam: :hijabi:


Im Proud 2 B Me!
Asalam Alakum Wa Rahmet Allah Wa barakatu


I never been to Hajj but Insha Allah i am planning on going this year, after i graduate from high school.


Slave of Allah
Assalaamu Alaykum
Masha'Allah for those who went on Hajj. Insha'Allah, I want to go. But not now: I'm too young and poor.


New Member
For young adults, i believe this task of making hajj is much harder than a person of older age. Reason being, too many temptations, and impurifications surround us (shaytan) and it's much harder to defeat it in order to make hajj with a good intention. Im sure you guys understand the abundance of hajj and how important the cleansing of this hajj is but to be honest with you, i think elderly people should make hajj because they have " been there, done that"... Hajj is the task in which after it is done, somewhat makes a muslim/a appear like a catholic nun. VERY ISOLATED. If a teenager is willing to give up all entertainment, and all daily activities inwhich might harm his ruh, then may allah bless them, because surely this task is much more than a forgiveness trip, exercise, or money matter. To make hajj, intentions have to be clear and pure, and after the hajj, ur mind should be clean and pure. So all you muslims who have made hajj, ask yourself if it really has benefitted you to the extent of imitating rasul's saaws life so that you can be pure and glorious on yawm il qiyama.. May allah bless those and their family and accept their hajj each and every year. And may allah give the strength and maturity to those who would like to make hajj and may allah bless them as well.