How Many Times ?????

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A Believer In Heart

U know and everyone knows that what is being done is atrocious. I know we as muslims are not able to do anything to help our cause but atleast some people who want to do something about it express what they want to do in words. I see nothing wrong in that. Just imagine when the reality that is being shown to us is only so little when compared to what actually happens how can u even think of telling people to keep quiet and bear it patiently. We would only understand the pain and hatred when we go through this personally.
Iam sorry but i dont know who u r trying to please but i dont think u have the right to stop someone from expressing himself.

On a final note, i dont do this but i find it reasonable in others doing it.

Assalam Alakium brother,

Do you ever pray thm? for their safe? My friend action speak louder than words so if you real want to help our brothers and sister pray for them not drag their horrible life in Islamic website by posting viedo. There is nothing better you can do for your brothers and sisters in Islam than praying for them. Bro, i am sure the sis is not doing to please anyone but Allah SWT AND to easy the suffering of them. And you own the sis an apology for thinking she is doing to please anyone. At the end, i hope i don't offend you if i do forgive me and those are just my opinion.



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Salamu alaykum

Salamu alaykum

We try our best to make sure that this site is a great site to learn islaam from. We want to base everything here according to quran and sunnah with the understanding of the sahaba. Sometimes it is not perfect, but we try our best to make it as good as it can be however, no moderator can be here 24/7. I believe myself that there is really no benefit of looking at videos which shows brutality of one people towards another. I don't see any benefit in showing the deaths, torture, crimes against muslims or none muslims. What muslims need to realize is that the condition of this ummah will not change until muslims change themselves. Until we return to quran and sunnah with the understanding of the sahaba and leave all the shirk, biddah, everything that is not from Islaam.

Many of the moderators have deleted planty of threads promoting terrorism, alqaida, suicide bombing, hate etc. I myself have deleted plenty as well. Last night someone posted a thread showing american soldier throwing a live puppy of a mountain. I personally, didnt see any benefit in it, but made me feel bad for few days, so I deleted it.

Sometimes, it is hard to deal with everyone that comes on TTI. We have people of different ages, backgrounds, understanding and no moderator here is a scholar. Therefore, we have to be careful of what we do. We do not want to be the reason that someone leaves islam or does not come to islam becasue of how we acted.

It is very important that muslims study islam and know who the real scholars of the sunnah are. Muslims have to ask scholars before they do anything. When i say a scholar, i mean somone who studied islaam 40-80 yrs of their life. We have to learn the proper aqeeda and tawhid. Without these two , imaan is not firm. Muslims are weak because alot of us lack these two principals of islaam. Their aqeeda and tawhid is messed up so they went into extremes and have diviated from their religion.

I am going to close this thread before it heats up and people start saying stuff due to emotion. We dont want to leave room for shaytaan.

Allah knows best.

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