Servant of Allah
We cannot flee death and death is inevitable. So my dear brothers and sisters, do take a lesson from this lecture inshaa'Allah. also make dua for a muslim mother who passed away today. she suffered from kidney failure for several years. She remained patient and alhamdulillah she passed away on a blessed day Friday. She was known to be a good person and we hope that she enters Jannatul firdaus al a3la. amiin.
We cannot flee death and death is inevitable. So my dear brothers and sisters, do take a lesson from this lecture inshaa'Allah. also make dua for a muslim mother who passed away today. she suffered from kidney failure for several years. She remained patient and alhamdulillah she passed away on a blessed day Friday. She was known to be a good person and we hope that she enters Jannatul firdaus al a3la. amiin.