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Pearl of Islaam
Assalamu Aleicoum dear brothers and sisters.
Does Mather Nature Know the Best???

Science and technology made our life much stress free and uncomplicated.
Animal cloning is one of the most remarkable and amazing triumph of the scientists and now is the time they are thinking to make a genetic copy of human known as human will be decided by time how far they are unbeaten.
What do you say?
Is that possible that like animals they'll be victorious in making duplicate of human being?
How far they can attain their objective by the modern hypothesis???

A.Cloning- genetic egineering to make exact copys of living plansts and animals-has been in science fiction for years.
Since 1997 ,with the clon of a sheap,Dolly,it has become part of real lifes and the subject of the public dabate.

B.For some people human cloning is acceptable in medicine in despite of the criticism that it is unnaturale.
For example,human tissue can be cloned for use in organ replacement or gene terapy.
Also,organs could be provided by human clones.When I child is suffering from a fatal disease and needs an organ donor,its parents could have a younger cloned brother or sister-effectively an identical twin.
This would provide 100% doner compatibilty.

On onother hand there are many arguments agains cloning.Although many poeple saw the cloning of Dolly as the mayor break trough it is just onother step towerds "playing with nature".

Firstly despite what they say scentists have no idea of the long term effects of genetic engerening,more and more gentically altered plants are being produced,and cloned farm animals are next.
Further more,some sientist say we could transplat organs from cloned animals to humans despite to risks to heath are enormous and many poeple find the idea inpulssive.

D.All things conssider I am agaisnt cloning it is clear that we need to regulate genetic engineering and stop experiments now before it is too late!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What do you think dear brothers and sisters about human clonging is it possible in our nearly future???

May Allah bless you.


Your sister Asja



Slave of Allah (swt)
aslam o alikum
there is no such thing as a 100% clone ... genes are effectd by Genetic and Environment ... they might be able to take human dna and make more copies of it thats wat i wud say clonning and said yes i dont think they can create a baby that will have exact same thign as humans


Allahu Alam, if it's possible or not.
I doubt it though. Even if they succeed at something that last couple of months , I think it would turn out fragile, ill, handicapped, and mentally challenged. Judging from the case with Dolly [or is it Molly? lol] the Sheep.

This is hypothetical. So far no one has tried.

I don't see the point of cloning humans if they can't clone a decent sheep.


Hmm what's next? Daisy the Cow?


Pearl of Islaam
If cloning is there to meddle and manipulate God's creation(in islamic belief), then i think we should somehow step back and know that there will be serious consequences.


Junior Member
it is sign of shame

assalamo 3alaikom warahmato allah ta3ala wa barakatoho

I personnally thing that ,human cloning is forbidden .because it is as if we want to imitate what allah sobhanaho wata3ala do with all his people either animates or unanimates. 7asha illah
it is more than a sing of shamed.
allah is unique in this doniya and he is the only one who create and no other one is one of his infinte characteristcs ..

So according to me ,even a question in that topic is a kind of shame in arabic. "3ar " and allah only konw .wa allah a3lam


Pearl of Islaam
assalamo 3alaikom warahmato allah ta3ala wa barakatoho

I personnally thing that ,human cloning is forbidden .because it is as if we want to imitate what allah sobhanaho wata3ala do with all his people either animates or unanimates. 7asha illah
it is more than a sing of shamed.
allah is unique in this doniya and he is the only one who create and no other one is one of his infinte characteristcs ..

So according to me ,even a question in that topic is a kind of shame in arabic. "3ar " and allah only konw .wa allah a3lam

Alaicumu Salam dear sister.

Allhamdulilah that it is not shame to ask this question, becouse only on that way we can know the answer and stop all its implementation.
The question is fro medical aspect and it is very importante to dissccus about it and to increase our knowledge Inshallah.

I would say dear sister that your title in the reply is not suitable and dear sister without any offend IT IS NOT SHAME TO ASK, IT IS SHAME NOT TO ASK, AND NOT TO KNOW ALLHAMDULLILAH.

If Muslims in the time of our Prophet Mohammed s.a.v.s. felt shame to ask some questions than they would never meet Islam. But Allhamdullilah they have won their shame to understand Islam ALLHAMDULLILAH.

Almighty Allah sais:" Is it the same the one who knows and the one who does not know".

May Allah bless you dear sister and all belivers.



Pearl of Islaam
Allahu Alam, if it's possible or not.
I doubt it though. Even if they succeed at something that last couple of months , I think it would turn out fragile, ill, handicapped, and mentally challenged. Judging from the case with Dolly [or is it Molly? lol] the Sheep.

This is hypothetical. So far no one has tried.

I don't see the point of cloning humans if they can't clone a decent sheep.


Hmm what's next? Daisy the Cow?


Thank you dear brother for sharing your thoughts and opinion about this issue.

Ya Allah,I was wondering waht it would happen with Chinas population if cloning become possible.:):):)

May Allah always protect us,Inhsallah.



Here to help

From an Islamic perspective, two issues have been discussed regarding cloning. First, does it bring into question Islam's belief about Allah's attribute as the Creator in any way? Second, should it be permitted? The Islamic Fiqh Council first contacted the Organization of Muslim Doctors in Kuwait and organized a preliminary conference in Casablanca. Then the issue was discussed in the meeting of 1997. The medical experts were also invited to the meeting who explained the process and its implications to the Academy. Regarding the first issue, there was a consensus that cloning does not bring into question any Islamic belief in any way. Allah is the Creator of the universe but He has established the system of cause-and-effect in this world. Sowing a seed in the ground is the cause but only Allah produces the effect from it in the form of a plant. Similarly cloning is a cause and only through Allah's Will it can produce the effect. Just as the person sowing the seed is not the creator of the resulting plant, so the cloning technician is not the creator of the resulting animal. Allah alone is the Creator and all creation takes place solely through His Will. Regarding the question of permissibility, the majority of the council members after discussion reached the conclusion that cloning is permissible in case of plants as well as in case of animals except human beings. The extension of cloning to human beings would create extremely complex and intractable social and moral problems. Therefore cloning of human beings cannot be permitted. (Al Balagh) read more...

even christianity, & Judaism says its not allowed, if you read on.


Pearl of Islaam

From an Islamic perspective, two issues have been discussed regarding cloning. First, does it bring into question Islam's belief about Allah's attribute as the Creator in any way? Second, should it be permitted? The Islamic Fiqh Council first contacted the Organization of Muslim Doctors in Kuwait and organized a preliminary conference in Casablanca. Then the issue was discussed in the meeting of 1997. The medical experts were also invited to the meeting who explained the process and its implications to the Academy. Regarding the first issue, there was a consensus that cloning does not bring into question any Islamic belief in any way. Allah is the Creator of the universe but He has established the system of cause-and-effect in this world. Sowing a seed in the ground is the cause but only Allah produces the effect from it in the form of a plant. Similarly cloning is a cause and only through Allah's Will it can produce the effect. Just as the person sowing the seed is not the creator of the resulting plant, so the cloning technician is not the creator of the resulting animal. Allah alone is the Creator and all creation takes place solely through His Will. Regarding the question of permissibility, the majority of the council members after discussion reached the conclusion that cloning is permissible in case of plants as well as in case of animals except human beings. The extension of cloning to human beings would create extremely complex and intractable social and moral problems. Therefore cloning of human beings cannot be permitted. (Al Balagh) read more...

even christianity, & Judaism says its not allowed, if you read on.

Aleicoumu Salam dear brother.

Thank you for sharing with us this very usefull,importante and interesting article Mashallah.

Looking from Islamic and all other religion belifs cloning is not accetable and permissable becasue it is affecting on perfect order on Earth that it is given from Allah subha we we teala.Allah is the only One who is giving and taking lifes,and all power is in Him and it is the reason why human cloning is not permisible and accetable Alhamdulillah.
But if we would use cloning for plants or animals that it could be permissiable becasue for example endangered animals could be cloned to increase thier numbers.

Inshallah may Allah keep us and protect us always.

May Allah bless you.



Pearl of Islaam
Dolly (1996-07-05 – 2003-02-14), a Finn Dorsett ewe, was the first mammal to have been successfully cloned from an adult cell, though the first actual thing to be cloned was a tadpole in 1952[1]. She was cloned at the Roslin Institute in Scotland and lived there until her death when she was six. On 2003-04-09 her stuffed remains were placed at Edinburgh's Royal Museum, part of the National Museums of Scotland.

Dolly was publicly significant because the effort showed that the genetic material from a specific adult cell, programmed to express only a distinct subset of its genes, could be reprogrammed to grow an entire new organism. Before this demonstration, there was no proof for the widely spread hypothesis that differentiated animal cells can give rise to entire new organisms.

Cloning Dolly the sheep had a low success rate per fertilized egg; she was born after 277 eggs were used to create 29 embryos, which only produced three lambs at birth, only one of which lived. Seventy calves have been created from 9,000 attempts and one third of them died young; Prometea took 328 attempts. Notably, although the first clones were frogs, no adult cloned frog has yet been produced from a somatic adult nucleus donor cell.

There were early claims that Dolly the Sheep had pathologies resembling accelerated aging. Scientists speculated that Dolly's death in 2003 was related to the shortening of telomeres, DNA-protein complexes that protect the end of linear chromosomes. However, other researchers, including Ian Wilmut who led the team that successfully cloned Dolly, argue that Dolly's early death due to respiratory infection was unrelated to deficiencies with the cloning process.

Although this reaserch are showing that cloning may be possible the death of dolly is showing to us that it is imposible to clone perfect animal,or we do not not know what are future will bring to us.It is global issue and it is up to us,human beings to be carefull with expirements that we are making,and it is up to us how we will use all kind of sience in the future.

One British author have said:"Creativity is science could be desribed as the act of putting two and two together to make five.Arthur Koestler-British author


Junior Member

If the scientists became capable of cloning humans, it would not make them creators. They would not become God or replace God. They would be only manipulating God's creation and using the cause and effect (asbab) that Allah has created in His creation.

After all, the scientists were able to produce babies through artificial insemination, in-vitro fertilization and surrogacy. These methods were not possible only a few years ago, but they are possible now. In a similar way cloning of humans might be possible.

It will show what power and capacities Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has placed in a single cell. A single atom can produce massive atomic energy, so a single cell can also produce a whole living organism.

It is wrong to say that a thing is impossible unless we are very sure about its impossibility on the basis of a definite and clear verse from the Qur'an or the authentic Sunnah. But the real question is not whether it is possible or not.

The real question is whether it is right and what are the implications of this new biological technology. As Muslims we should also be concerned whether it is permissible according to the Qur'an and Sunnah or not.


Pearl of Islaam

If the scientists became capable of cloning humans, it would not make them creators. They would not become God or replace God. They would be only manipulating God's creation and using the cause and effect (asbab) that Allah has created in His creation.

After all, the scientists were able to produce babies through artificial insemination, in-vitro fertilization and surrogacy. These methods were not possible only a few years ago, but they are possible now. In a similar way cloning of humans might be possible.

It will show what power and capacities Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has placed in a single cell. A single atom can produce massive atomic energy, so a single cell can also produce a whole living organism.

It is wrong to say that a thing is impossible unless we are very sure about its impossibility on the basis of a definite and clear verse from the Qur'an or the authentic Sunnah. But the real question is not whether it is possible or not.

The real question is whether it is right and what are the implications of this new biological technology. As Muslims we should also be concerned whether it is permissible according to the Qur'an and Sunnah or not.

:wasalam: dear brother.

Thank you dear brother for you usefull post Mashallah.

In my opinion the question will it be or not possible to clone a human on the future is beloning to sience and her progress in future,but regaring question is it peromissible in Islam on that it exist only one answer and it is that cloning human being or imateting God creating Atgafirullah it is haram and not accetable from Islam,or any other religion belifs Alhamdulilah.SubanAllah,all praise belongs only to Allah,and He is the only one who gives and takes lifes.

Allah sais:"And if you ask them who has created them...."
"And if you ask them:"Wo has created skys and Earth,and who has created a Sun and Moon?...."
"Ask..."To who belongs earth and everything what is on her,do you know?"
"Ask:"In whos Hand is auhority on all of you,..."
"Ask:"Who gives you food from the sky and from earth,who gaved you hearing and sight,who is creating life from nothing,and making live in death,and who si controling everything?
"Allah"-they will say-and you say:"So why you are not afraid of Him?".

May Allah bless you dear brother.


Your sister Asja