humans are pre-programmed to succeed


It is the way we are.

If you just list, things you seek to accomplish the following day; saying in sha Allah; and check mark them when you complete them or approached to complete them it feels very good.

another is like when you exercise, in the beginning you feel the time so long before you finish, and then when you are near the end of your goal, you just want to go on. because accomplishing a level you set for yourself feels good.

Also if you plan to perform additional ibadat increasing them in time like every week or month or so, and you do them you just feel good about yourself.

In other words our idea of success shapes our character and just flat out makes you feel good.

Allah programmed us to release certain chemicals in our brains every-time we trigger our success/sense of accomplishment. This causes a person to always reach out and work hard to get the feeling.

Even if you set a goal, and don't complete it successfully it still feels great because you know you put effort into something and did the best you can.

I don't have the hadith and science relative to this subject right now, but I will try to put it together. Of course, there are brothers and sisters who are more knowledgeable and can post them too.


Aisya al-Humaira

الحمدلله على كل حال
Waa'alaykummusalam wa rahmatullah,

Very true indeed. MashaAllaah, the feeling of having to accomplish something that we put our passion for is just sooo great and blissful.

Jazakallahu khayr for sharing.

May we all accomplish that that we desire and wish for in life. InshaAllaahu Ta'ala.
