husband and wife relationship ???


Junior Member
assalamualikum to all

today in the morning i was reading an article where a husband has beaten his wife to death and after reading i really cant understand how can some one go so low and beat there wife ?? leave alone beating her to death ,

husband and wife's relationship is so beautiful alhamdulillah , it should be dealt with care , respect and love , why should the husband raise his hands and lose the respect in his wife's eyes ,

leave alone respect doesnt his heart and his soul stops him from doing it ,

infact a husband should be more caring and understanding as wife has left her everything , her home her parents her life where she has spent some amazing time of her life and she came to into ur life to expect if not better atleast same life that she lived ,

and doesnt the husband feel the need to make her feel that its not a new place for her , she is welcomed and she is needed in the family ,

only if we thinking all this things then only allah swt will bring peace and happiness in the relationship inshallah .


MashAllah akhi, you'll make a good husband for a lucky sister one day.

Regarding your words, there are unfortunately men who think otherwise. Who let cultural and tribal mentalities precede that of the Islamically accurate one. These men believe themselves to be right and the rest of the world is wrong. They're unwilling to put Islam first in their lives and resort to what's "comfortable" for them.

The human being is an Amanah belonging to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. The daughter given to parents is His Amanah. The wife of a husband is His Amanah. An amanah must always be guarded and protected as you have taken a covenant with it's owner. Breaking an amanah leads to paying a hefty price and this man will have to pay one heck of a price when he stands before his Lord...


Junior Member
thank yu sis for ur kind words , but really its bothering thing that how muslim men are treating there wife ,

may allah swt bring peace and love between husband and wife ameen.


Junior Member
thank yu sis for ur kind words , but really its bothering thing that how muslim men are treating there wife ,

may allah swt bring peace and love between husband and wife ameen.
:salam2:It is sadly a wide spread phenomenon across all faith communities,ethnicities and cultural backgrounds!Even though we must fairly be concerned when it occurs among the Muslims and tackle it through pedagogical and legal measures ,nevertheless the impact it has on the victimes should leave no discriminant approach.In other words we must not forget to speak out against it wherever,whenever and to whomever it happens.

Now given the fact the Chill pills are unlikely to become a halal hobby to pass on to each other between husband and wife.Sport could be a good alternative against aggressivity, the marital duty aswell both should really be encouraged to become part of the curriculum of Tarbiyaa in our communities.

If me and my wife one day for some reason allahu aalam fight ,I de take her out for an hour and half run and am pretty sure she will remain quite and leave me alone after that instead of loosing time arguing and hurting each other,one could talk about the troubling issues in quite afterwards .I hope none of us will ever loose this kind of lucidity and regrets when it's too late!

May Allah swt save us from such atrocities.A man needs not to beat and yell to be respected by his wife and vice versa. It is the good deeds , the forgiveness and compassion that go along with them that matter.In the worst cases divorce is makrouh but allowed because nothing justifies this kind extremist attitudes,leave the endured injustices to Allah's swt fairness.This is really sad.Takwa,Takwa ya Muslimeen!


Love Fishing
As salamu 'alaikum
The answer is simple.

The strongest person is the person who can control his anger.

When a person gets angry,satan controls him and make him "blind" towards the right thing he should do.

Learn to control anger in sha Allah and learn to be silent when the other person is angry.

Tolerance is very important in a marriage. I learn it through the hard way and I am passing the message to all of you through the easy way.

Have a great day all of you in sha Allah.

Allah knows the best.
As salamu 'alaikum


Assalaam walaikum,

I think I know a little on this subject.

First we need to understand that a man does not jump his wife for no reason at all. No, relax I am not advocating spousal abuse.

Often in failed communication feelings get hurt. That which should be heaven on earth turns into hell on earth. When feelings weakens. That which is spiritual becomes very physical. Women short of physically abusing their husbands do things out of spite. Have we not been warned to guard our tongues.

Men demand space. They want to be alone, go for a walk, run, some pray. Women walk into the space.

Words and slaps are exchanged. Both have lost faith at this time.

There is no excuse for spousal abuse. It is tolerated in all cultures. And it will never end. We can not change the nature of man.