i am nEw to TTI

ksa 2008

New Member
ASSALAMUALAIKUM !BRO ND SISTERS AT TTI! ramadan mabrouk! im a new member from bangladesh, and am vry happy to join ths islamic website where i believe , islam is discussed in a broad point of view, more elaborately..its unique side is the way it welcomes non muslims for a open discussion ,shares their thoughts , and embraces all newly converts to islam.i hope to gather more knowledge from all my muslim brothers nd sisters and i pray that allah (swt) showers his rehmat to all muslims around the world.jazakallah khairun.


알라후 아크바르-Allah Akbar
Salam Alekum
Welcome to TTI.. May u benefit from this site InshAllah.. :) Ameen 2 ur Duaa :) Ramadan Mubarak
Enjoy ur stay :D
Take care