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  • Salam alaykum warahmatullah wabarakatuh

    I'm pleased to see a Albanian Muslim on the truth. I know many Albanians and they are lost subhânAllâh. Sometimes I get surprised when I see good Albanians like you. Stay strong and stay firm on the truth brother:)
    salam alaykum.....how are u??....1st time speaking to some1 from kosovo so i was jz wondering why did u split from serbia?.....i mean werent u both muslim nations???...have a happy ramadan :D
    Asslam Alaikum
    i hope you are in the best state of eeman and health, and making the most out of this blessed month of Ramadan.
    dropped by to say salam. i kindda like your posts so i thought that i should avail this opportunity to be your first official friend at this forum, as i dont see any friends in your list. may Allah increase you eeman and shower his blessings upon you.
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