I am Noor to shine

Noor to shine

Junior Member

I am Noor to shine : I am a muslem women , welcome to you all.......I believe that Islam can bring peace and hapiness to people now and in the hereafter. I was born muslem but still learning and i believe I shall continue to learn till death , I hope for all good peacefull life.

Abu Sarah

Allahu Akbar
Staff member
Assalam Alaykum..
wellcome sister to TTI..enjoy ur stay..
I bear wtiness that there is no Deity worthy of worship except Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad :saw: is His Messenger.
Alhamduillah 4 blessing of islam..
we would like to congratulate ourselves for having been guided by Allaah to embrace Islam, the true and final religion. I ask Allaah to help us and you remain steadfast in adhering to it until we die...



Junior Member
aslaama aliakum sister..

masha allah...thats great...we r all learning and knowledge will never end...We are so happy to have you here..:arabi1:

Noor to shine

Junior Member
Thank you all


Assalamu alaikim brothers and sisters and may Allah bless you all:
I like to share the following artical with you about sincerity:

One muslem acholar wrote:

Sincerity is achieved when Muslim brothers or sisters have the intention to please Allah Almighty in all their endeavors whether in speech or action. The Muslim seeks generous rewards from Allah Almighty without considering any other motives. He or she does not try to gain worldly favors in terms of self promotion or personal interests. In this way, the Muslim will always serve the Islamic faith and thought, rather than being subservient to short term benefits.

Hence, sincerity is the first key that opens the heart to receive the Mercy of Allah Almighty. In fact the acceptance of one’s deeds depends on one’s purity of intention, which in turn depends on the level of sincerity in one’s heart. With sincerity, a person can attain the highest ranks in the Sight of Allah Almighty, make the most of his/her deeds, and even be rewarded for righteous deeds that he or she was not able to perform.