I made the choice.....and i feel great


Your Sister In Islam

Hi I would just like to say congratulations to you I am soon to convert myself and I am happy when someone else also says that they have done it. When I read about islam it makes me warm to think of what a happy and peaceful religion it is. I am sure to say that this will be one of the best moments of your life and I hope and am sure you will treasure it forever. congratulations sister!!!

God Bless you. May Islam insh'allah keep you warm forever.


New Member

Jazak allah u khiaran kaseeran fi dunya val akhira(thank you sis, let only gud happen to you in this and the other world).

may The Almighty Give you courage, and knowledge to travel trough the path of islam ......


Junior Member
you won't beat me brother! :SMILY259::SMILY259::SMILY259::SMILY259::SMILY259::SMILY259::SMILY259::SMILY259::laughing-dancing::laughing-dancing::laughing-dancing::laughing-dancing::laughing-dancing::laughing-dancing::laughing-dancing::laughing-dancing::SMILY149::SMILY149::SMILY149::SMILY149::SMILY149::SMILY149::SMILY252::SMILY252::SMILY252::SMILY252::SMILY252::SMILY252::blackhijab::blackhijab::blackhijab::blackhijab::blackhijab::blackhijab::hijabi::shake::shake::shake::shake::shake::shake::shake::shake::shake::shake::SMILY139::SMILY139::SMILY139::SMILY139::SMILY139::SMILY139::SMILY139::jumpclap::jumpclap::jumpclap::jumpclap::jumpclap::jumpclap::jumpclap::wavyarms::wavyarms::wavyarms::wavyarms::wavyarms::wavyarms::wavyarms::SMILY126::SMILY126::SMILY126::SMILY126::SMILY126::SMILY126::SMILY126::SMILY105::SMILY105::SMILY105::SMILY105::SMILY105::SMILY105::SMILY105::SMILY29::SMILY29::SMILY29::SMILY29::SMILY29::SMILY29::SMILY129: lol jokes! Welcome to Islam, I hope we made you laugh sister!
take care sister *hugs*
Sakeena :SMILY149:

welcome sister, GREAT NEWS, good to have you with us


romanian muslimah
as-salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatu
:SMILY206: to TTI, inshaAllah you’ll have a pleasant and long stay sister

Mabrook for your shahada.:SMILY252:

Looking forward your posts.

May ALLAH (swt) keep us all on the right path.



Junior Member
Assalamu Alaikum,
Many congratulations sister and a big welcome!
May Allah SWT grant you success in this world and in the hereafter. Ameen.

Assalamu Alaikum


New Member
As it says in the title.... I made the choice and I feel great. I am a newly converted Muslim and its amazing. Never thought I could reach the stage in life where everything felt so perfect.

I want to share this thought with the world because I am so proud of myself and my religion.
:SMILY206::SMILY139::allahuakbar: it is to see people convert to the truth relegion the islam... if you dont mind can you till me more about youself...