I need help


assalamu alikum wa rehmatullahi wabarakatuhu

dear brothers and sisters I really need your help in supplying me with many tips on how to succeed in my examination/work all type of advices are most welcome as I am the only Muslim in the institute were I study and I really don't want to let down the name of my people by failing I really love my religion and want to do something for it and it can be achieved only by excelling in my given work



First you need to devote a special time. You need to be very disciplined. Every day study at the same time. Two, make sure your stomach is not empty. You need to have energy to study. Three. You need to review your work. You may need to retype your notes or reread you text. Spend twenty minutes in review each day. This is the key. Review, review, review. Four, exercise. Make sure you are not tired. You need to move around every twenty mintutes, strech etc. Five, Always ask for extra work. Read two more articles, do twenty more problems...this is another way of reviewing. Good luck.


assalamu alikum wa rehmatullahi wabarakatuhu

dear brothers and sisters I really need your help in supplying me with many tips on how to succeed in my examination/work all type of advices are most welcome as I am the only Muslim in the institute were I study and I really don't want to let down the name of my people by failing I really love my religion and want to do something for it and it can be achieved only by excelling in my given work

you need to understand your concepts superbly well, then inshAllah you can start to practice....Ask your teacher anything you dont know. And dont delay in doing things , dont say i will do this part tomorrow and when tomorrow comes you said later. Do everything early and make lots of dua after prayers

All the best