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New Member
Assalamualaikum to all my Muslim brothers and sisters!!!!

I'm Rohan a born Muslim from Malaysia. I see a lot of our Muslimin family is suffering...... you just name the place, mostly they are suffering (psychologically or physically). The question is... who is to blame? The Muslim or non Muslim? It's a chicken and egg situation.... Anyway, all i can do is to "DOA" to Allah for our well being. If everyone is tolerant to one another, maybe all problems can be solved. We in Malaysia had 1 racial "war" on May 13, 1969. That 1 incident had shown us Malaysian how fragile we were and to learn to be more tolerant. Till 2day, no more of such "war" existed. But i didn't say that racial prejudice don't happen anymore... its just very minimal. In Malaysia, you can see Malays (Muslim), Chinese & Indian sitting together for coffee/ meals together. We hope that this interracial spirit will spread worldwide... Inshaallah!!!!



New Member
war beacause no justice

It seems that most wars are result of unjustice (tidak keadilan), and not because of differences in races.
At the surface it seem between 2 races or religion but in fact one of the group was under long time of "no equal dividing of the mony or authority" and then the they will the war will start for any small accident.
Religions never had been the problem. The politics and the people behind it are the creators of all frictions & wars.
In Jordan & Palestine we never had any deference wither you are Muslim or Christian until the Zionists came.


Junior Member
Welcome to TTI brother ... hope to learn more from you about islam ...as far as i see .. religion is not the cause of the problem its the people who are the cause of the problem... and in practical life if you choose the right path you will always encounter problems and obstruction it all depends how good your iman is and how well you can handle the situation with the fear of Allah ... looking forward to hear more from you .. jazakallahu khairan

Turk Gumption

Junior Member
Dear Rohan Bro. you are welcome to TTI. I have consider 214 numbered verse of Baqarah when i read you post.

" Or do you think that you shall enter the Garden (of Bliss) without such (trials) as came to those who passed away from you? They encountered SUFFERING and ADVERSITY , and were so shaken in spirit that even the Messenger and those of faith who were with him cried . " WHEN (WILL COME) THE HELP OF ALLAH" Verily , the help of Allah is (always) near!

We shouldn't forget that help of Allah always near them.

May Allah help the people of Gaza.