I'm a servant of Allaah


New Member

Asalaamu Alaykum to all! :blackhijab:
I'm glad to have found this site, which I discovered during a Google search for the city of Bosra, Syria.
I too was born a Muslim, but raised as a Christian for 17 years! Then, (thanks to Allaah's guidance) I met Islam & met my husband. I was born in the USA, but have now lived in KSA for over 20 years. :ma:
I currently teach Kindergarten, after spending about 20 years "just" raising my children. :SMILY252:
My intention is to learn more and more about Islam through this site enabling me to come closer to my Lord & Creator.:tti_sister:
Wa aleikum salam

welcome sister inshallah you will enjoy your stay here and we will benefit from each other :)

Assalamu aleikum wrwb