Importance of the Masajid


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Abu Sa'id Khudri RA narrates that Rasulullah saw said: Whoever adores the Masjid, Allah adores him! (Tabarani and Majma uz-Zawaid)

Abu Darda Ra narrates: I heard Rasulullah saw saying: The masjid is the house of every pious person who fears Allah. For the one who makes the Masjid his house, Allah swt gaurantees to comfort him, to bestow upon him mercy, to make the passage over the Sirat easy for him to the destiny of His Pleasure and Paradise. (Tabarani,Bazzar and Majma uz-Zawaid)

Mu'adh ibne Jabal RA narrates that Nabi saw said: Verily, Shaitan is the wolf to man, like the wolf that harries sheep, catching the one which is solitary, the one which stays far from the flock and the one which wonders. So, avoid the lone ravines (separating yourselves therein), and hold strongly to collectiveness, and to the general community, and the Masjid (Musnad Ahmad)

Abu Sa'id khudri RA narrates that Rasulullah saw said: If you see a man frequenting the Masjid bear witness to his Iman. Allah swt says: Verily, only he will frequent that Masajid, who believes in Allah and the Last day. (Tirmidhi)

Abu Hurairah ra narrates that Nabi saw said: A Muslim that makes the Masjid his abode for Salah and Dhikr (Rememberance of Allah), Allah is overjoyed with him, as a family is overjoyed by the return of an absent relative or loves one (Ibne Majah)
Note: Making his abode means that he develops a special attachment for the Masajid, and remains there for a large portion of his time.

Abu Hurairah ra narrates: Nabi saw said: The people who frequent the Masajid are (like) their pegs. The angels are their companions, If they are absent the angels search for them, and if they become sick the angels visit them, and if they are in need the angels help them. He (also) said: The one who sits in the Masjid derives at least one benefit from these three: The meeting of a brother (in Islam) from whom he may benefit (in terms of Deen), or he hears a word of Wisdom, or a Mercy from Allah, for which every Muslim waits for (Musnad Ahmad)

A'isha ra narrates: Rasulullah saw ordered us to build Masajid in various localities, and to clean and perfume them (Abu Dawood)

Anas ra narrates that there as a woman who used to collect the rubbish from the Masjid. When she died, Nabi saw was not informed of her burial. Rasulullah saw said: If a person from amongst you dies, kindly inform me. He then offered Salah ul Janazah (Funeral Salah) upon her, and said: Verily, I saw her rewarded in Paradise for the removal of rubbish from the Masjid! (Tabarani and Majma-uz-Zawaid)