
Abu Ishaaq UAE

New Member
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu

I'm Abu Ishaaq from London UK and I became a Muslim 14 years ago aged 16, alhamdulillah. So I'm not really a "new" Muslim any more but if any other reverts want advice or support, please don't hesitate to contact me

Before becoming a Muslim I was an atheist. My family did not practise any religion so I came to my own conclusions that Allah did not exist (Exalted and Ever Living is He), and that science would uncover the answers to all life's mysteries. And as you can imagine I was an impatient teenager waiting to be 18 so that I could explore the booming nightclub scene.

My best friend, a Pakistani Muslim, began encouraging me to think about Islam. He kept telling me that there is a life after death, a judgement day, Paradise and Hell etc. At first I made my excuses but one calm evening, as we were walking together, I looked up at the moon and said to myself, "If what he's saying is true, it wouldn't hurt me to research it a little." I suppose I realised that, if there was a life after death, I would not be able to say to Allah, "I don't want to take part in any judgement day, just leave me alone to do my own thing!"

P.S. Has anyone heard about Mark Morrison lately...?


قل هو الله أحد
wa alaikoom assalam bro

welcome to TTI .. once I've read your post I had a feeling that you will have a lot to give to this forum insha'Allah..

I have not heard of Mark Morrison .. who is he ?


Turn To Islam
Salam and welcome to TTI

Hope you enjoy your stay here brother.

Mark Morrison, wasn't he an RnB singer from Leicester?

If he is the Mark Morrison you're talking about, what's his news?



I live & die 4 Allah
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu


What a nice story! Only if eveyone was so open-minded. I am amazed everytime I read a story such as yours. It must take so much courage, belief and descipline. I have studied other religions and quite frankly nothing compares to Islam.


Junior Member
Wa alaikum assalam

Welcome to TTI

Hope you enjoy your stay here.

I take it you were'nt referring to the RnB singer

Or were you?

Abu Ishaaq UAE

New Member
Mark Morrison

Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu

According to the BBC News website in 1998, Mark Morrison "has converted to Islam while in prison and changed his name to Abdul Rahman."

I just wondered what has happened to him since then...