Is there any conflict between entering Islam and playing basketball?


Staff member
Assalamu Alaykum,

Saw this on Islamqa website:

I am a non-muslim, and I was wondering if I become muslim can I still play basketball.


Praise be to Allaah.​
Yes, you could become Muslim and still play basketball, so long as there is nothing forbidden or harmful involved. Islam does not forbid sports that exercise the body and strengthen its muscles. Indeed, it is the body’s right that its owner should take care of it, as the Prophet of Islam Muhammad
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Your body has a right over you."
(Reported by al-Bukhaari, 4800). One of the benefits of basketball is that it is based on aiming the ball correctly. So there is nothing wrong with playing it, so long as it is not combined with something forbidden such as gambling or deliberately harming or hitting others, and as long as it does not distract a person from praying and so on. By the way, I am sure that you are not unaware that there are a number of internationally known basketball players who have embraced Islam. Our advice to you is: don’t hesitate to enter Islam, for there is nothing to stop you. We ask Allaah to help you to follow the truth and to guide you to the way of goodness, for He guides whom He wills to the Straight Path.
Islam Q&A

Abdul Hasib

Student of Knowledge
Akhi isn't on this board right now brother ibn azeem. But, I have heard of a lot of people ecspecially Afro Americans who convert to Islam like Kareem Abdul Jabbar. I used to play amatuer basketball and I was good at controlling it until I stopped playing basketball.


Im Proud 2 B Me!
Asalam Alakum Wa Rahmet Allah Wa barakatu


I just wanted to know is it haram when a girl plays basketball.
You see i love playing basketball and i cant stop . I was asked by my gym teacher and by the girls basketball coach to play in the girls basketball team. However i refused due to the clothes they wear. But is it haram to play infront of other students, and is it haram for me to play any other sport. As you know i cant pass gym if i dont play.


Staff member

your hoop still in tact akhi?!:)


Wa alaykum Salam,

Yeah it is, come over in Summer we play BBALLLLLLLL :laughing-dancing:

Abdul Hasib Akhi means "My brother" in Arabic, and yes there is a bro with that username here.. hehe


Abdul Hasib

Student of Knowledge
Abdul Hasib isn't my real name but I love it. It means servant of the Reckoner but abdul lateef means Servant of the Holy One.(I think)

Happy 2BA Muslim

Sister Albint AlMuslima,

Regarding your question about you playing basketball, there are conditions that have to be met in order for you to be able to play:

Answered by Sheikh `Abd Allah b. Muhammad al-Tayyâr, professor at al-Qasîm University

It is permissible for a woman to engage in any sporting activity with the permission of her guardian as long as this activity is of benefit to her and does not involve her in any of the following:

1. exposing her body to non-mahram men

2. near-nudity among other women

3. mixing with men

4. physical harm to herself

If these conditions are met, then there is nothing wrong with her engaging in sporting activities similar to the practice related about the Prophet (peace be upon him) that he engaged in footraces with `Â’ishah.

And Allah knows best.