imran pardesi

New Member

Allah almighty has sent prophets to all peoples including to the indians,buddists, and every nation who lives in this world and all of whom taught the same religion (din), al _Islam and that the last of these was the Rasool Allah (salahu alai wa salam ). The holy books of other peoples had been distorted over time and the only scripture that had maintained its purity was the Quran and all the previous scriptures had predicted the arrival of Muhammad (saw) as Gods last prophet for all mankind, whereas all the previous prophets were sent by God only for their own particular communities. In other words, Muhammad (saw) is the jagat guru the Teacher of the entire world and his scripture the quran envisages or comprises the teachings of all the scriptures of the foregone prophets and does not in any way confront them Rather as the world teacher Muhammad (saw) will provide protection to all of these other prophets under his banner on the day of resurrection.Therefore it is the duty of all non muslims to accept Muhammad (saw) and his teachings in accordance with what their own prophets and scriptures have predicted about him. These holy books, insofar as portions of them have survived corruption and distortion were accepted as legitimate and of divine inspiration,but were employed merely a means to lead their followers to the quran.Islam is like a ocean and all other religions, in comparison, are rivers which ultimately drain into the ocean.In other words, other religions are comparable to the branches of a tree, while Islam is like a seed.