ISLAM - The Action Verb


Abu Maryam
In the Name of God, the Most Merciful, the Compassionate

A NAME by definition is a word or a combination of words by which a person, place, or thing is identified. A NOUN by definition is a word that can be used to refer a name, place, or a thing.

All the major world religions are based either on a person or a place; and hence come under the NOUN category. Given below are a few examples:

Judaism: Originated from the Land of Judah
Christianity: Derived from the founder – Jesus the Christ
Hinduism: Originated from the Land of the Indus River
Buddhism: Derived from the founder – Gautam Buddha
Confucianism: Derived from the founder – Confucius
Jainism: Derived from the word Jinas – Conqueror; a title given to their founder Rishabha

ISLAM: Absolute submission to the Creator

ISLAM is the ONLY religion in the world which is not a NOUN but rather a VERB. It is an ACTION – an act of submission. And unless we perform this action, we are not qualified to be known as MU-ISLAM or Muslim – the one who has submitted.