

New Member
:salam2: islamaphobia is just a vocabulary or a cliche if i have to call it that, that only exists in the mouths of non-Muslim, until the till the you revert that's when you come to learn the real meaning of the word in life.i was used to hearing the word but to me it was just any other word in the dictionary not until the time i reverted that is i came to understand it. less than a year ago, i had a good family, a family that i could count. i used to go to college pursuing accounts. i had 'big' contacts since my family had a reputation. all was to turn upside down shortly when i decided to revert, everything was gone. the luxury life, big contacts, family, friends, education count them, they were gone. me and school was to become a history. now i live in a small village somewhere in the outskirts of Nairobi but still am not will to exchange my religion with anything. inshaAllah i'm gonna die a Muslim no matter the cost. am trying my best with the help of Allah to make ends meet. every now and then my family makes an offer that i should quit Islam and go back home but that can't happen not when am alive so help me God. to my brothers who are facing the same challenges don't surrender you made the right choice. trust in God and be strong and you will succeed. assalam aleykum warahmatulillah wabarakatuh.:salah:


Walaikum As salam wa rahmatul lahi wa barkatuhu

Firstly, Welcome to TTI!! And Warm Welcome to world of peace -Islam :)

N Jazakallah for ur thought! May Allah bless ur thoughts and actions Ameen
well, as u have chosen the right path, the path of Allah..u are never to be wronged by Him the Almighty,, so theres no room for u to be upset because Allah swt is with u, Inshaallah am praying for u and all those in similar situations as urs May Allah swt grant u ease, patience in all ur efforts and keep u rightly guided and grant u Jannah in hereafter Amenn Summa Ameen
May all ur hurdles & obstacles which come ur way be cleared soon and may Allah swt by His Mercy grant u ease and protection to lead a blissful, peaceful and prosperous life in this world and hereafter, Ameen
May Allah swt keep all of our hearts firm in the way of Islam Ameen

baarakallahu feek
stay blessed :)

Um Ibrahim

Alhamdulilah :)
:salam2: islamaphobia is just a vocabulary or a cliche if i have to call it that, that only exists in the mouths of non-Muslim, until the till the you revert that's when you come to learn the real meaning of the word in life.i was used to hearing the word but to me it was just any other word in the dictionary not until the time i reverted that is i came to understand it. less than a year ago, i had a good family, a family that i could count. i used to go to college pursuing accounts. i had 'big' contacts since my family had a reputation. all was to turn upside down shortly when i decided to revert, everything was gone. the luxury life, big contacts, family, friends, education count them, they were gone. me and school was to become a history. now i live in a small village somewhere in the outskirts of Nairobi but still am not will to exchange my religion with anything. inshaAllah i'm gonna die a Muslim no matter the cost. am trying my best with the help of Allah to make ends meet. every now and then my family makes an offer that i should quit Islam and go back home but that can't happen not when am alive so help me God. to my brothers who are facing the same challenges don't surrender you made the right choice. trust in God and be strong and you will succeed. assalam aleykum warahmatulillah wabarakatuh.:salah:

May Allah help you dear brother. Muslims will be tested and tried sometime during their lifetime. Just like you said the important thing is to die a Muslim and never give up no matter what happens! Strive with all your might. May Allah help the Muslims, Allahuma Amin.


Junior Member

firstly congrats on your reversion.
secondly you are a brave person and a living example to all muslims.
thirdly, you should know that with hardship comes ease; just be patient. may Allah ease your worried and make islaam easy for you.

im also having a barren spell in life. so pray from me too.


New Member
assalam aleykum once again. this was my story and one and a half years later i still have the same challenge. now am requesting for you my fellow brothers and sisters if you may have any idea of an individual or organisation that can sponsor me to go back to school to start my degree course, please you can send me the contacts of any sponsor you know.