Ive nvr been so angry!!!!


Junior Member
Honestly, people have to be stupid to beleive that the worlds fastest growing religion, and second biggest religion, is a "violent" religion.

AstaghfirAllah. He deserves to be killed. He'll get his on the Day of Judgement. May Allah disgrace him in this life and in the hereafter. How dare he make up lies about our most beloved (peace be blessings be upon him)? I feel like we're so helpless because we just watch as people defame the Love of Allah! May Allah guide this ummah to hold steadfast to the Qur'an and Sunnah and give us the courage to follow Islam, as it should be followed.


Junior Member
Hey say that moderate muslims are the ones who "wana throw away the terror part of Islam" while the extremists ar elike the REAL muslims who follow Islam and Muhammad and i think this is extremely absurd

astaghfirullah..this guy seems to know how to lie abt islam without even batting an eyelid

i was wondering if he thinks muslims dont have anything better to do but to kill infidels everyday 24/7