July 7th - Coincidences? And Prophet Cartoons, Muslims should be aware..


Muslim Guy
The following is a brief excerpt from a book by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock.


On July 7th, three stations on the London Underground Network and a London double-decker bus are bombed resulting in the deaths of 52 people. This is blamed on so-called Al-Qaeda suicide bombers. However this is not the only parallel with the attack on September 11th 2001 in America. Here are some of the other interesting parallels:

1) At the times and places the separate bombings on the London Underground occur, a, “crisis management,” company known as Visor Consultants is carrying out terror drills of the same event. This is confirmed in separate interviews on both Radio 5 and Britain’s most popular television station ITV, with the consultancy’s managing director, Peter Power. In the Radio 5 interview, he states,

“At half past nine this morning we were actually running an exercise for a company of over a thousand people in London based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where it happened this morning, so I still have the hairs on the back of my neck standing up right now.”

Readers may recall that the reason planes were not immediately scrambled on September 11th 2001, the day of the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, was, according to the United States government, because a drill of the same event was occurring at the same time on that day, which caused confusion to the security services, who couldn’t work out if an attack on America was actually taking place or if it was a drill.

Why do people not find it suspicious when a terror drill run at the same time at three London Underground stations (it is important to note that the London Underground network consists of 274 stations, so picking 3 stations represent just over 1% of the stations they could have picked), actually becomes reality as an actual attack on the same three London Underground stations?

Unfortunately, the general public do not use their brains and instead allow their thinking to be done for them by a Jewish owned media. Why would a trained journalist not follow up such a blatant, “smoking gun,” especially when the man who made these claims, Peter Power, now refuses to discuss the matter any further. The answer is obvious, a journalist would not make that decision, and it can only be assumed the journalists collectively have been instructed not to investigate the matter further by the owners of the media, Jewish owners.

As for the reason for running a terror drill whilst the attacks were taking place, the most likely reason is to provide an alibi for the actual perpetrators of the attack, who knew about this drill. The way this would work, is that if any of the real bombers were caught acting suspiciously, they could claim that they were only part of the drill and they would have the alibi to back that up. This would of course mean that the alleged perpetrators, four Muslim men, were not involved in the attack.

2) The authorities claim that personal documents relating to each of the so-called bombers were found at each of the bomb scenes. This is another strange coincidence between the attack on the World Trade Center, when authorities there claimed that although they could not find traces of bodies, a pristine paper passport belonging to one of the hijackers had been found.

3) Israel’s Finance Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu is in London on the morning of the attacks in order to attend an economic conference in a hotel over the underground station where one of the blasts occurred, but stays in his hotel room instead after he had been informed by Israeli intelligence officials attacks were expected. This is another similarity with the attacks on America, when 4,000 Jews were warned not to go to work in the World Trade Center that day. How come it’s only Jews who get prior warning about alleged Al-Qaeda terrorism?

Following the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, there are now only five nations on the world left without a Rothschild owned central bank: Iran; North Korea; Sudan; Cuba; and Libya. Interestingly the satellite state of Israel, more commonly known as the United States government chooses to refer to these countries as, “rogue nations.”

Physics Professor, Stephen E. Jones of Brigham Young University publishes a paper in which he proves the World Trade Center buildings could have only been brought down in the manner they were by explosives. He receives no coverage in the mainstream media for his scientifically provable claims.

On September 30th, Danish newspaper, Jyllands-Posten, publishes twelve so-called cartoons, most of which depict the Muslim Prophet Mohammed, something it is against the Islamic faith to do, regardless of what he might be doing. These cartoons are subsequently reprinted in over fifty countries resulting in large scale protests by the worldwide Muslim community.

This is exactly why they were printed. To inflame the tensions between the western world, and the Muslim community and encourage the Western world and the Muslim community to be further alienated so they can fight amongst each other until only the Jews are left. The cultural editor of Jyllands-Posten responsible for the original publication of these cartoons? Flemming Rose, a Jew.


Non-muslims are coming to the conclusion that it is not Muslims that are committing these false flag operations, yet many Muslims still don't.

And next time somebody says something against Islam, do not call for their death, or participate in violent rallies, as this is EXACTLY what the opposition wants. They want Muslims to go out and do something that looks violent, which they will repeatedly show on the media they control to create an "anti-Islamic" attitude in the general population.

Instead, act like the Prophet (sas) did, when a person walked into the mosque and started soiling the mosque. He (sas) responded in a respectful manner that took the person by surprise and resulted in him wanting to revert to Islam.

Just be careful people. Remember people will judge Islam on your actions. If you go to a protest (I went to one during the cartoon stuff, and it was very peaceful, an Imam at the end thanked everybody for turning up and asked everybody to leave in a calm manner), then make sure you are as nice as possible.

I'm sure there will be more incidences like this soon, eg, we just had the Pope speech recently. When things calm down, expect something else, but be prepared for it, and do your best to remain calm.