keep life in balance


He is Dhul-Jalali Wal-Ikram
:salam2: to all famelly from here. I am so happy that i can share, read and see so many good and helpfull things on TTI. Today i want to say here how hard it is to keep in balance the life as a muslim with no muslim comunity, except this one online. For example, my parents and my syster are christians and i feel i dont have the same conection with them since i eat different and i have different ways to spend my time. I try visit my parents and ofcourse we have a nice relation, but i often think much before going because at theyr home i find difficult to pray because they dont know i do this (they dont yet know i am muslim, but they see i try to change many things in me and are ok with it). And the same when are christians holyday, it is hard to not upset anyone, but at the same time i cant respect what they respect, all the traditions you understand. Same at work, i dont weare hijab because i am afraid i will losee my job, i cant do this, at least not now , i hope soon inchallah i wanted ask how many of brothers and systers find them self in the same situation as mine, and how they deal with having a good echilibrated life between islam in the heart and non-muslim people around them. My strenght cames from Allah swt alhamdullilah and i didnt faced problems with anyone until now, but are stille things i whould like to change and i hope i will inchallah, if you have teachings from Quran about dealing with non-muslims in such cases, i am happy to read them :hearts:


He is Dhul-Jalali Wal-Ikram
:salam2: :shymuslima1: noone ? noone feels like a stranger between non-muslim like me ? i am the only lost sheep who does not have a comunity around ? :SMILY309: ... And We place upon their hearts veils lest they should understand it, and in their ears a deafness; and when thou makest mention of thy Lord alone in the Qur'an, they turn their backs in aversion.
( سورة الإسراء , Al-Isra, Chapter #17, Verse #46)


revert of many years
:salam2: :shymuslima1: noone ? noone feels like a stranger between non-muslim like me ? i am the only lost sheep who does not have a comunity around ? :SMILY309: ... And We place upon their hearts veils lest they should understand it, and in their ears a deafness; and when thou makest mention of thy Lord alone in the Qur'an, they turn their backs in aversion.
( سورة الإسراء , Al-Isra, Chapter #17, Verse #46)

dear sister... im sure there are manyy in your patient im sure they will answer...wish ican help you,,,,,if you need anything please ask


New Member
You can open mualaf blog
from this blog you can see few mualaf blog, mostly are Malaysian Chinese We have also Malaysia Reverted Muslim ( their job is solving the problems of the mualaf. Please do read this blog, it will help you.


He is Dhul-Jalali Wal-Ikram
thank you dear Esperanza, you help with your kind words, also this site helps me very much, most of my free time i spend reading here to find consolation...i wanted hear how other face what i face :salam2:


revert of many years
thank you dear Esperanza, you help with your kind words, also this site helps me very much, most of my free time i spend reading here to find consolation...i wanted hear how other face what i face :salam2:

im sure you will find many in same situation as you
im lucky hamdilla to live in an islamic country,..but even so as a revert i still face many challenges

may Allah make life easier for you inshalla

did you join the sisters club yet??


Junior Member

Dear sister though i am a muslem born in a muslem family but before many many years i used to be in a situation like yours, i was the only young girl with higab ( i was surrounding with muslems)....sometimes i am the only one who pray at time of prayer.......alhanduliAllah now things changed .....many of those who were monking my higab now are wearing higab ......i am wearing full higab with niqab something was like a dream......but Allah can do anything .... Those early days have a special taste...may be to feel how early muslems ( the sahaba ) felt. Depend on Allah ......pray with all your hearts ...things will change for better.


He is Dhul-Jalali Wal-Ikram

Dear sister though i am a muslem born in a muslem family but before many many years i used to be in a situation like yours, i was the only young girl with higab ( i was surrounding with muslems)....sometimes i am the only one who pray at time of prayer.......alhanduliAllah now things changed .....many of those who were monking my higab now are wearing higab ......i am wearing full higab with niqab something was like a dream......but Allah can do anything .... Those early days have a special taste...may be to feel how early muslems ( the sahaba ) felt. Depend on Allah ......pray with all your hearts ...things will change for better.

:wasalam: alhamdullilah you now speak about those days as your past and your present is better. Inchallah i will the same, improve my life , i love islam and inchallah i will have a famelly 100% muslim, i pray with all my strenght :SMILY346: :hijabi: Allah swt can do everything indeed, may Allah guide us ,ameen


revert of many years
:wasalam: alhamdullilah you now speak about those days as your past and your present is better. Inchallah i will the same, improve my life , i love islam and inchallah i will have a famelly 100% muslim, i pray with all my strenght :SMILY346: :hijabi: Allah swt can do everything indeed, may Allah guide us ,ameen

inshall everything good will come to you dear sister