Khilafah the Islamic Political System conceived

Shafiq Khan

New Member
For the first time in Islamic history the Islamic Political System of Khilafah has been conceived on the basis of logic, history & Quran in the book 'Natural World Order & The Islamic Thought' which is available free on The book discusses in detail as to how & why Khilafah is the only political system under which peace & justice can prevail on this planet. The book also discusses how & why Democratic Political System is the atheistic political system under which it is just not possible that peace & justice can prevail on this planet. I request everyone to read the book & spread the message of the book and seek clarifications about the book on this discussion forum.


Assalaam alaikum,


Let me read and ingest the book before I can comment. InshaAllah, we can have serious discussion.

Shafiq Khan

New Member
On the basis of the book 'Natural World Order & The Islamic Thought' following scientific research articles have been published in peer-reviewed scientific journals which substantiate the Quranic perspective of creation of life on this planet & the universe:-
1. Experimental & Theoretical Evidences of Fallacy of Space-time Concept and Actual State of Existence of the Physical Universe (; March2012)
2. Foundation of Theory of Everything: Non-living Things & Living Things (; Sep 2010)
3.Michelson-Morley Experiment: A Misconceived & Misinterpreted Experiment (; April 2011)
4. Energy Theory of Matter & Cosmology (; August 2010)
5. 'On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies' by Albert Einstein is Based on Trickeries ( Feb.2012)
6.Ultimate Proof of Energy Theory of Matter & Cosmology (; August 2010)
7. Theory of Origin & Phenomenon of Life (; August 2010)
These publications are also available on,, viXra, Intellectual Archives & ResearchGate in my profile.

Shafiq Khan

New Member
The question is not whether God could be seen or not. The question is whether God can exist. No one can physically see God but God has to exist and the existence of universe is the proof of existence God. This is my concern as a theoretical physicist and a theologian. Published scientific research articles substantiate my perspective and the contents of the book 'Natural World Order & The Islamic Thought'.

Shafiq Khan

New Member
A very brief synopsis would clarify my work to all members & justify the relevance of my work to paradigm shift in physics. Aristotle considered space as finite & absolute, time as absolute and matter as absolute thereby God had no power on space, time & matter but he empowered God with the power as Prime Mover of everything (matter). Newton through his laws held that matter moves in nature not because of God but because of inherent nature of matter by which matter attracts other matter.Coming to how Newton's Laws are wrong? From the time of Aristotle space was considered as finite & absolute till 1905. Thus at the time Newton also same perspective of space was held.
Now then finite space means that the universe has boundaries and according to Law of Gravitation the stars/galaxies on the periphery of the universe will be attracted towards the central universe and according to 2nd Law of Motion these peripheral stars/galaxies will accelerate towards the centre of the universe finally to collapse there. Thus finite space (the nature of space known at the time of Newton) and Law of Gravitation are contradictory. Newton assumed sun at rest but under Newton's Laws the rest condition of any celestrial object is just not possible. Having rejected the Descartes's aether and assumed the space as vacuum; in the 1st Law of Motion he states that objects with uniform (linear) motion faces absolutely no resistance but under second Law of Motion Newton states that objects pose resistance to the change in motion which he represented by inertia or mass. He assigns no physical reason to this resistance to the change in motion and it is here the philosophy/rationality was sacrificed on mathematics. Now even today physicists do not know what is mass & where it is in the particles. Representation of planetary motion of solar system by Newton Laws mathematically was the only criteria for adopting the Newton's Laws; though his Laws were irrational, incorrect & untenable; and this was the greatest scientific error in the history of science. This was done by Newton to reject the existence of aether which was scientifically introduced by Descartes. The harm done by Newton was that irrational & incorrect laws were introduced by him which closed the doors of investigation into the existence of God especially by rejecting the existence of aether which together with nature of light contained the secrets of reality. It is very well known that Newton laws cannot be correct as explained by Mach; whatever corrections were required those corrections Einstein introduced with the help very confusing trickeries (described in detail in my article). Now a paradigm of physics was defined by Einstein under which God just cannot exist. Four constituents of the universe were reduced to two by Einstein namely space-time concept and matter & energy transmutability where space is emergent, matter is emergent and time is interconnected with space. Philosophically for any existence including God there are two basic requirements namely space & substance. Without discussing the substance; by the emergent space is meant that space came into existence at a point in time as such there is no possiblity that eternal God could have existed before the space came into existence i.e. 13.7 billion years ago or thereafter. Both of them; Newton & Einstein; had rejected aether before introducing their laws & theories. Whereas aether has been shown to be existing and containing the secrets of light & time. Once aether is accepted space is again finite & absolute, time is relative depending upon motion of the observer, and as humans perceive it, time is emergent and matter is not absolute but emergent. Now for emergence of matter & time the existence of God is a pre-condition and once we investigate the matter, aether & forces in nature there have to be substances which do not have electromagnetic properties & cannot be seen. Soul & God being such substances.