

Servant of Allah
Dear sisters please listen to this lecture. it's only 5 mins long. give your time for the sake of Allah oh sisters. asalamu alaykum wrwb.


New Member
Salams Brother, thank-you fo rposting this i did watch and i understood what he was saying, i wear my Hijab all the tym amd i do not take it off unless i know its right..
Walakium Salam
Sister Nadia


Servant of Allah
sister nadia i'm actually a sister. lol. but anyways JazakAllahu khayran. hijab is important, it's a part of who we are. asalamu alaykum wrwb


Nofeesah A
Alhamduliah i do wear my hijab and i love it
and i hope other sisters find comfort in it
jazakallaha akhairan ,sister
thanks for sharing


:ma::ma:beautiful listen! I love his lectures, they are amazing, especially the death series!

Jazakallahu Khairan sis!:blackhijab:
wa alaikum salaam...same here I love wearing the hijab...but at my college...I was told by a friend who works in the dorms on campus that when the freshmen girls were moving in...she counted 12 hijabees but all then removed their hijabs once Um and Abu left.