

Loneliness is the disease that eats away the heart

Until you are left feeling nothing

You are in this world all alone, oh how big the world

Who will fill this void, this emptyness

You are incomplete because Allah made everything in pairs

Why this fate?

Where is the love?

My heart needs to beat again, oh Allah why did it stop?

I need to find a reason for this loneliness, I cannot find one

I want to love and I want to be loved

Oh Allah only you can help me

Come and fill this void inside of me

Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!

Sister Zohra

Assalamu Alaikum,

JazakAllah khair, nice poem. Did you write it yourself?


Junior Member

Yes Auzu Billaahi MinaShaithaanirrajeem.

But once we are in peace with our afflictions and turn to Almighty Allah, the world outside turns beautiful. And, Even a really serene beautiful place on earth fails to bring such a change, the experienced say... May we receive such grace from Almighty Allah... Ameen!