[love]in islam.subject for disscussion an understand


New Member
alsalam aleekom............ brothers an sisters there.i need ur help[an dont give me ur owan FATWA].just i wanna know the right way in love. i mean love betwean boyes an girls.an when it will be allowed in islam . i just know that it's allowed in rules that aimed to protect us to still away of [falts]an resedent illnesses an keep us healthy an happy as singles or families couse that falts can make u so sad an hopeless if u did it. u see, if we knew the islamic knowlege about it so we will get the rael way to protect our selvies an our sisters. an if we dont we maybe do abig falts that surley make our god angree of us an get us in hill not paradies. so[knowlege of islamic rules is the only protection], so that subject[love] is areal comblecated problem like areal enimy of moslims special young boys an girls .hope u to take it seriose an faced it with islamic teachings an appear it to us. only if u know it from [HOLEY QURAN] an the right [SONNA].an also the diffrent members ideas an belivies about it. what ever it's wright or wrong. just say ur idea in free to know the defrent ideas an disscuss it to prove is it neer of islamic rules or not .just in tray to get the protection in islam rules. to understand [islamic rules] an balive in it in knoulege.

wa-alsalam aleecom


Junior Member
assalamu aliykum dear
well, (i don't have an specific proof from the QURAN/HADITHS right now..so with that being said..) i think what you are saying is very imprtant and needs to be disscussed more often within our youth so we don't have to fall of the wrong clif. (to me) the deffinition of LOVE to day is hard to define beacuse of how a mess our society is today..yes islam allowes {love] of course but what kind of love our we talking about now..if you mean the LOVE for the sake of ALLAH..yes thats the really love..and also there is the DUNYAH love..we think we love this person so much that we go blind..we forget who we are and our purpose in this earth..thats the kind of love satan decorated for the dunyah ppls,..MAY allah save us from it. so my point is 2 people can love each other for the sake of ALLAH, ( and there'll be only 7 of them that will be called out in the day of QIYYAMA..ALLAH prepared them goods.


New Member
:salam2: alyah iam happy to hear that an iam agree with u about the donya love an the other i recpect ur idea about that important subject an god bless us with the first one. thanx alot an hope if u fined any new rules of quraan an sonna about it to tell me.:salam2:


New Member

:salam2: its ahoner to me for hearing that from u sister, shokran may allah reward u in the last life sister keep ur faith an bye :salam2:


New Member
am happy for hearing that
u make me happy for that
so i have been in adeep time work so i coudnt complete our disscussion
sorry an hope to have the time for that
alsalam alikom