Manners when Collecting money??


Blessed Muslimah
Asalamu alaykum Wa rahmatuallahi Wa barakatu

I wanted to ask what is the mannerisms that a person should have when collecting charity money, because i want to collect money inshallah and i dont want to offend or belittle anyones donations or kindness....:shymuslima1:

I see in the mosque the person collecting doesnt look in the bucket is this a sunnah or out of respect?

Inshallah hope you can help i hope to collect for Gaza make dua i make a lot and its accepted inshallah:hearts:

Wa alaykumu salam


Blessed Muslimah

looks like i wasnt the only one who couldnt find anything lol
anyway i just thought i would update you all we collected in 3 hours just by going to some of my mums friends homes we collected £285 and still counting i will be giving it in today mashallah i was shocked at how much it added up to but alhamdulilah i urge everyone just to do small collections like this inshallah



Pearl of Islaam

Mashallah dear sister.

May Allah subhan we teala reword you for your effort and for your kind heart.Ameen.:tti_sister:



Blessed Muslimah

Ameen and jaza kallahu khairan sister it was all for and Allah and from Allah i couldnt of done anything without Allah and mashallah the women said it was a good idea as the men go to jummah and give charity but the women dont have that much opportunity so i decided go knock on thier homes lool but mashallah May Allah reward ALL the women and guide us as a community Ameen :tti_sister:
