Many people convert to islam?


Junior Member

Every time i heard the news, media, TV etc that many people convert to Islam.

Thats great news but I have lots of non-muslim friends, they are still not muslim (maybe yet!), even I saw my old good friend, he is still a non muslim.

I can't see all my friends or workmates that they are convert to Islam.

Any idea???



Junior Member
السلام عليكم

salam alaykum brother,

the only thing u could do for them is making do'aa (supplication) asking allah to guide them, bcos he is the only one who guide those he wants.

the better idea is to be a good muslim and to show them the beautiness of islam.
hope its will work.
now a days we feel happy when the non-muslims accept islam.
but what about us?
shouldn´t we also accept islam in our life?
will be its not better for us to bring islam in our life?

Brother you have to lead by example, character and action.

“Verily, Allah will never change the condition of a people until they change what is within themselves.” (Quran, 13:11)