Sorry sister. I come from a country of non belivers and have not have a non troubled life. Me also were a strong, independent woman. I converted, married a man from a totally different culture *phu* haha. But we have choosen this path -Islam- thanks to Allah swt, and to obey and honour your husband is not something we can choose, it is a command. As it is a command for your husband to be the best he can. But please, try not to think about what are your rights, think about what are your duties as a muslim wife? If everyone first think about what duties they may have and try to fullfil them, then I think most of our rights will come to us. Someone always have to take the first step, don't let it be him or wait for him to do. Fullfil your obligations in marriage and have faith in Allah swt! He will help you and make it easier! And if every effort is taken to not divorce one another, then no one will blame you for not being able to continue. But please listen sister, trust me, I to had my doughts in my own marriage - but finally I had to choose being that women I was before, or commit myself fully to Islam wich means give your husband his rights! It is not an easy thing if you are used to something other, but it can be done! We will make dua for you and may Allah swt make your way easier!
The pleasure of the husband is next to Allah, and the displeasure of the husband is - the displeasure of Allah.
The pleasure of the husband is next to Allah, and the displeasure of the husband is - the displeasure of Allah.