May Allah shower his Mercy and Blessing on Prophet Mohammed (PBUH)

Abu Eesaa

Servant Of Allah
Salaam Dear brothers,

I am new on this site and just wanted to say salaam to everyone and introduce myself. My Name is Abu Eesaa I am 28yrs old and live in London Uk.


Abu Eesaa

Abu Eesaa

Servant Of Allah

Walikum salaam,

Jazak Allah for replying to my intiall post.

Inshallah hope to converse with you guys soon.


Abu Eesaa

Abu Sarah

Allahu Akbar
Staff member
wa alaykum Assalam

welcome Akhi to TTI..enjoy ur stay..

greeting from Egypt to All muslims from UK

i leave u in care of Allah


Abu Eesaa

Servant Of Allah
Salaam sister,

Sorry for the delayed reply, I pray you ae in good health and Jazak Allah for sending me a welcome message.
I would also like to take this oppurtunity to thank everyone who has sent me a welcome message.
Jazak Allah...

Abu Eesaa

American Muslim

Just Another Slave
wa'alaykum salam father of eesa.
welcome to the website. but don't forget, there are sisters out there that should recieve your salam as well

Abu Eesaa

Servant Of Allah
Salaam to my sisters in Islam,

A special salaam to American muslim for correcting me.... sorry to refer to you as that its only cos u did not leave your name...

Abu Eesaa


Junior Member
abu isa cool name brother i just hope you don`t confuse our christian friends!!!!!they have been crusificting(comes from the word crusifiction) you for 2 thousand years are you alright bro!!!!!


Junior Member
Ahlan / Welcome

Assalaam Alaikum Abu Eesaa,

welcome to the site, may your knowledge, Iman and happiness grow, Ameen.

Lol @ sister justoneofmillion

Abu Eesaa

Servant Of Allah
Salaam sister,

I did not understand your message that you sent at 0839pm, neva mind Jazak Allah for the compliment on my name thoough and all so salaam to my dear brother learnermuslim will i think u are a brother if not my apologise.
I wish brothers and sisters would sign there names at the end of the messages so i can identify who i am speaking


Abu Eesaa

Abu Eesaa

Servant Of Allah
W.salaam to you my Dear brothers,

Jazak Allah for making an effort to make me feel welcome...


Abu Eesaa