McCain's Spiritual Guide

blue streak

Junior Member
This is a video that someone sent me Mccains pastor. What this guy is saying is extremely ignorant and offensive, but all muslims should know Mccains views on muslims and what he has planned for them.
May Allah protect us from there evil and lies.



Junior Member

I direct your attention to....

in particular....

McCain 2008 Endorsement

Parsley personally endorsed the presidential campaign of Republican nominee John McCain, who called Parsley a "spiritual guide."[7] McCain had actively sought Parsley's endorsement during his Republican primary battle with Mike Huckabee, who was drawing substantial support from the religious right.[8]

McCain later rejected Parsley's endorsement based on Parsley's statements regarding Islam.[9] Parsley was quoted as stating that he "do[es] not believe that our country can truly fulfill its divine purpose until we understand America was founded, in part, with the intention of seeing this false religion destroyed” and that Muhammad is "the mouthpiece of a conspiracy of spiritual evil."[10][11]

In repudiating Parsley's comments, McCain stated, "I believe there is no place for that kind of dialogue in America, and I believe that even though he endorsed me, and I didn't endorse him, the fact is that I repudiate such talk, and I reject his endorsement."[12] McCain further distanced himself from Parsley, stating, "I've never been in Pastor Hagee's church or Pastor Parsley's church. I didn't attend their church for 20 years, and I'm not a member of their church. I received their endorsement, which did not mean that I endorsed their views."[13]

Thereafter, Parsley withdrew his endorsement of McCain's candidacy.[14]




This is simply an aside...please do not use wikipedia as a source. They are known not to be accurate as anyone can make a change on it.

The election is simply a joke.


Junior Member
These pastors are just upset that the classic lands of christainity and most of their holy sites belong to the middle east ie the muslim world. Their religious and roman history points towards al shams, turkey, north africa, so they basically can't digest that these places all fall under Islam, hence their hatred and military talk.


Junior Member
Oh My Oh My, its sucha shame that people actually believe such things and for politicians to accept it and pastors to say it i wonder where the world is heading to. sucha pity.


Junior Member

Blue streak, could you please provide the link to that video? I would like to show it to others who want to vote for McCain. Thanks


Junior Member

Thank you brother, hopefully this will open a lot of people's eyes when it comes to understanding the underpinnings of McCain's philosophy.

